Plenty of charm and a experience that i found myself replaying a handful of times!

Awesome game, better than the first while keeping the similar play style while adding plenty of new features and a over the top cast of memorable and loveable characters and plenty of content to sink hours upon hours into.

A good starting entry in the Borderlands series. Shows some of its key flaws with its lackluster location designs and slow story telling at parts. But the amount of fun the gameplay and variety in weapons/skills makes up for this in spades!

The story narration makes this such a stand out game with amazing visuals and design! Highly recommend!

Don't buy this game if you're not prepared to see your waifus/ husbandos die in the most horrible way possible.

One of my favourite games from my childhood!

This project was officially abandoned. There is not going to be a second season and Season 1 only consists of two episodes. That makes about 4 hours of content.

But those 4 hours... oh boy...

A generous stealth sandbox game that'll delight both new and existing fans of Metal Gear.

Cyberpunk hotline Miami??? SIGN ME THE ♥♥♥♥ UP.

Action heavy shooter that plays unlike anything else

The Cat Lady is one of the most unique and moving games I've ever had the experience to play.

Extremely dark and emotionally heavy with its story telling and handling of themes.

"Beautiful art direction and presentation!