The grandfather of the genre, and most likely your favourite game devs favourite game - you can't beat it. Also, JC Denton is the funniest video game protagonist ever.

This game does a whole lot with so incredibly little. The utilization of such a small play space is so creative. The atmosphere is creepy, and I jumped in my chair more than a couple of times (though I was never truly scared). The only thing I didn't like was that there were options other than hardcore - playing this game on standard feels like I never end up in truly dangerous situations.

Is this game the greatest of all time? In my personal opinion, no. Is it one of my favourites of all time? Absolutely, no question. Go on YouTube to find out why (or just play it yourself).

Just exactly what a video game is supposed to be - fun, interesting, and utterly consuming. The player agency is especially great, with some of the most control over a story in any large-scale release. The real standout is the characters though, especially the companions.