Puss! Puss puss pus puss puss!

Some of the bosses are bullshit i cant lie.

I have no notes.

The power I thought only I had was literally a character arc.

They banned this on school wifi.

I never got first place :(

Man i suck at this game.

It kinda rules though

The actual gameplay is fun, get repetitive after a little bit though.

Also, playing at launch was kind of the worst. I wanna go in and progress the story, I don't want to clean shit all the time.

I love how unique this game is, forcing me to think literally outside the window of which i could view its world.

Niko is also really cute.

This game made me better at videogames I think. Its hard as hell and probably gave me eye damage.

Beating it is SO satisfying though.

I love unintuitive control schemes. This one just kinda sucks though since the objective is just a really mundane thing. Even if its neat you can toast yourself on a broken CRT.

I like the special modes though.

I love unintuitive control schemes. Though I will say this game is kinda repetitive with most of the objectives being "try to be a person but you're an octopus".

Still a funny game though.


I've never been more scared playing a game. I couldn't go more than 5 minutes without worrying the game was gonna pull some scary shit on me.

I've also never finished a game that prevented me from sleeping afterwards.



I legitimately think the internet would be a far different place if this game never got made. While I'm still pretty bad at it, its still really fun to just hop in and play a few rounds.


Underbaked, overpromised, underdelivered, unworthy of the game it killed to wear its skin.

I think it's more fun, but I'm still sad.