Amazing highs when your guess is very close to the original location

Terrible lows when your guess is Oklahoma but it’s actually in Singapore

I can sit here and complain about how unhuman-like the characters are, how badly this recreates a retail store, and how a long, narrow, completely pitch black hallway is somehow the ideal break room for my employees but like I played it for almost 5 hours straight so I can at least say I enjoyed it

Did a nuzlocke of this and let me tell you it's probably the best any one of my nuzlockes has ever gone.

RIP Phat Sajak, Rat King and NAddle. You were as real as they come ;-;

I'm missing 2 achievements, one of which is literally impossible to get, the other is to "get every achievement"

Also, I wrote music for this game and it doesn't sound as awful as I remember. Still can't recommend playing this game on mute enough though.

A game that I love so much, that I will never play it ever again.

Don't take that as a sign that this game doesn't have much going for it, I'm just tired of playing after 600 hours.

Boss fights save this from being a 1 star game

A game I'm lowkey begging for a sequel to

not to get pretentious on backloggd dot com but if someone says video games cant be art, show them this game.

This is a perfect example of how you make a comedy game.

9 year old me would be proud

I had to stop playing this game because I knew I would get too addicted to it

It's not smash, but still shockingly good

I mean it’s just a filler case...