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Clyde_the_Hobo commented on Clyde_the_Hobo's review of Street Fighter
How sick did he have to be to transform into a pasty white guy? That's a wild explanation.

5 hrs ago

Clyde_the_Hobo finished Columns
A perfectly functional puzzle game so boring that you'll wonder why you bothered playing it in the first place, especially considering that it's on the same modern compilations as other, better puzzle games.

13 hrs ago

Clyde_the_Hobo completed Columns
A perfectly functional puzzle game so boring that you'll wonder why you bothered playing it in the first place, especially considering that it's on the same modern compilations as other, better puzzle games.

13 hrs ago

Clyde_the_Hobo finished Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
A 'Puyo Puyo' reskin that replaces the actually interesting characters with the no-name losers from 'The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.' It's cool that we at least got some version of the game but I'd rather have had the version with a villain whose name upsets pearl-clutchers.

13 hrs ago

Clyde_the_Hobo played Flicky
I'm not really a fan of the classic arcade experience but at least most arcade classics give me something fun to do for a few minutes. 'Flicky' has always only ever felt like a chore to me, an arcade experience so miserable that I can barely stomach the game long enough to beat one stage.

'Sonic 3D Blast' is the better Flicky game and even that one's fairly awful.

13 hrs ago

Clyde_the_Hobo played Golden Axe II
The graphics are slightly better, the music is slightly worse, and the levels are generally the same size now. Beyond that, it's literally just the first game again. The first game sucked and so does this one.

13 hrs ago

Clyde_the_Hobo finished Kid Chameleon
A hard as nails platformer with over 100 levels to explore and plenty of ways to make your blood vessels to pop out of anger. The drill wall remains one of the scariest things I've ever encounter in a game and if you know what you're doing, you can technically beat the game after only two levels.

But where's the fun in that?

4 days ago

Clyde_the_Hobo played Comix Zone
Graphically and conceptually one of the most unique games I've ever played, I've never fully warmed up to 'Comix Zone' over the years. It's not a bad game, I just don't think it's the kind of game for me.

4 days ago

Clyde_the_Hobo earned the Full-Time badge

4 days ago

Clyde_the_Hobo played Alien Soldier
Few games embody the 'easy to play, hard to master' mentality quite like 'Alien Soldier' does. There are only two difficulties: Supereasy and Superhard. This doesn't affect difficulty, rather it's a limit to how many continues you can use. It's easy enough to slam yourself into the wall until the problem solves itself but I promise you, speedruns make the game look infinitely easier than it is. The game is deceptively complex and every time you're about to start playing, the game brings you to a small training area where you can practice all the different moves you have at your disposal, something I thing more games should implement.

The problem is that only 10% of the story remains intact, resulting in an extended text wall intro explaining a backstory that goes nowhere. A planet blows up halfway through and it literally affects nothing because there's no context. I understand that this game was rushed towards the end of development but realistically, Treasure should have cut the story out entirely at that point and implemented more of the gameplay aspects they wanted to add instead. This weird attempt to salvage the story is the only thing holding the game back from being the best run 'n' gun on the Genesis.

4 days ago

Clyde_the_Hobo finished Ape Escape 2
The story isn't as good as the first but the game looks pretty good and plays well. The new gadgets are pretty gimmicky and the gotcha box constantly spits out useless fortunes even though there's still plenty of actual content to unlock. It's largely more of the same but that's not necessarily a bad thing here.

I also find it pretty funny that the PS4 port uses the EU version where everyone is Bri'ish and uses their original Japanese names. It's almost as funny as Yellow Monkey is creepy.

6 days ago

Clyde_the_Hobo completed Sonic the Hedgehog: Spinball
You can move Sonic around even when he's in pinball mode so the physics never feel as tight as they should. The pinball nature of the game also adds an element of random chance to everything, making some areas harder to access than necessary and turns other areas into death traps just waiting to swallow your remaining lives whole. The soundtrack is pretty good though and each level's aesthetic helps it pop out from the others. The options menu theme isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, it's just loud.

6 days ago

Clyde_the_Hobo completed Sonic 3D Blast
The controls are slippery, even more so when walking on ice. Beyond that, it's just kind of a boring Sonic game with lousy level design, boring bosses, and a soundtrack that elevates the final score half a star for being so good.

6 days ago

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