like the other people who have said this in their reviews, this really does deserve a longer game or an extension or something, it was a really nice experience while it lasted. the graphics are beautiful and also the soundtrack is cool and relaxing

I only played through the first 3 levels but that's because I personally didn't enjoy the game enough to keep going. Don't get me wrong its not a bad game in the slightest i'm just not a particular fan of these type of logic-based puzzles, hence why I got it for free and I didn't buy it.. However if you do like difficult, logic-based puzzles then this game is a great buy, the soundtrack is really good regardless and the graphics are really nice to look at.

I really enjoyed this game, Its a lot of fun playing with a friend and it does feel like darksiders unlike what I've seen some people say . The combat is great however the little puzzle solving you have to do is kind of unneeded and tedious

Pretty fun, easy 3d action platformer. I wouldn't say its amazing or ground-breaking but It's a pretty fun game that I think is worth the price . The music is also pretty nice

Some of the most fun I've ever had playing a game for the first time. The soundtrack is phenomenal, the gameplay is smooth and fast paced, the story is pretty good with a decent cast of characters, and the art style is beautiful. My favorite part is the enormous variety of skulls. I'd say there are over 100 skulls. About 36 standalone skulls but each skull has multiple awakenings that upgrade the abilities of said skull. Every skull plays like a unique and different class with their own design, passive abilities, active abilities, and like I said before, awakenings.The boss fights are difficult but get even more difficult the further you progress. It gets even harder if you try to 100% the game and you have to complete every boss fight without getting hit once. Overall the game is an absolute blast and probably in my top 5 favorite games of all time. Also the art is just so amazing

its pretty fun but I am personally not a fan of the graphics, but the puzzles are great and actually feel like you're in an escape room. If you like escape rooms I'd recommend this game, and I think it's definitely worth the price considering it allows you to download maps from the workshop

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the people who play this game are so brain dead retarded you would think they let their dog take control of the computer they're so fucking trash no matter what you do don't play this game with randoms. The graphics are shit and dated, the gameplay is awful and needs a rework. The old character models are disgustingly ugly and the announcers are extremely annoying. The only reason I could see people enjoying this game is if they suck at league/dota and they like mythology

This game really shouldn’t be free

100% worth it it's like a brand new game

such a masterpiece game with an amazingly unique gameplay concept and a surprisingly good story, give it a shot its only like 3 hours long but its well worth it

Solid 9/10 very cool theme and art style, fun and intuitive gameplay, lots of cool secrets. Also, the character and enemy designs are great. Additionally the soundtrack great. It definitely fits the theme of the game/area you are currently in which makes the game feel nicer and more immersive

amazing music, amazing story, fun yet eerie bosses, the lore behind the game is amazing and it is enhanced by Little nightmares 2