Mid and forgettable sadly. Has its good moments, but then I think of how good it could have been without the dumb creative restrictions they were given and it annoys me instead. Combat is NOT fun either. Gets tedious really quick

It's hard to call it a sequel to MapleStory, but it was very good in its own way. If this game came out when I was a kid I would have spent so much time on this. There was so much creative freedom and I loved that a lot. Too bad it's dead

Best Tales game with the best main cast of characters and best story idk haven't played the rest but I know I'm right

Loved the first because it was very innovative, but I COULD NOT get past the first few missions on this one. I tried 4 times. It just got old and boring. But I admit, it's not a bad game.

Just realized the games have post-game now. The Dream Arena for this game was so fun, this game just keeps giving. Loved it too much

Kinda weird story, not bad just really strange. Maybe I'm missing context from the previous games.

Gameplay is really, really fun though. Highly recommended for 3D Sonic game enjoyers, the level design is so good.
Combat is easily the worst part though, which drags it down a bit. But I still highly recommend it

We can't curse in our Christian waifu game uwu - we must comply with the T rating despite all our other games being completely fine in this regard

I liked it as a kid, probably wouldn't want to go back and play it again to ruin those memories, because boy that soundtrack really sucks. But I genuinely enjoyed the weird story and gameplay


This would be good on a mobile device like a smartphone. On Steam though? Nah. I still 100%'d it, doesn't take too much effort. Fun for like a bit like all these mobile-like games

This game's only redeeming qualities are the boss battles, but other than that IT SUCKS!!!! This game cannot feel more empty, it's incredible.

Would be 5 stars if it had good single player content but it's probably the WORST single player experience in the entire series.

Spirits are not fun, there was like 1 good cutscene in the entire WoL when there was potential for so many good ones. Those awesome cutscenes used for revealing the characters? None of that to be seen here.

Apart from WoL there is really barely anything, the Classic mode is the SAME every time so it gets boring after 1 or 2 attempts. A consistent score system is NOT worth taking the randomness away that kept the mode fresh.

They add a cool new mode called Squad strike and they don't even bother implementing it online, that's also pretty annoying

I can't believe City Folk was better

Played this game to death, I felt empty and was hoping for more once I was done, but that's the only negative thing I can say about it