Would be a perfect 5/5 based on story alone, the pacing is incredible and always has you on your feet especially since the moment Majima is introduced. However, the final combat stances being locked behind one of the most tedious side content I have ever experienced is very unfortunate and burnt me out for A WHILE.

I needed a walkthrough half-way through the game, as embarrassing it is to admit. But what a great game.

Good but it's nothing special. I loved the classics but I'm not dying to go back to play essentially the same games with a slightly prettier look and a new spin dash ability. There's too much recycled content in this game for me to consider it fresh and just feels like more of the same which isn't bad, but not what I want.

It's honestly really good, a bit too convoluted for its own good however, can get really overwhelming

Best Call of Duty. Best Campaign, best multiplayer, great zombies though I can't say they're the best

The worst addition to the game bar none. And that's saying something when Min Min exists.

I actually think they did a really good job with his moveset to make it look like he's straight out of his game, but it was a mistake to put him in the first place, he's right next to Min Min for most unfun character to play against.

Really great experience, glad they decided to port it to PC because I've been wanting to play this for a LONG time. A bit tedious day-to-day like P4 but overall really good. Main cast of characters in P4 I'd say probably better but the side characters here are just miles better. Not the best trade-off but they aren't... BAD

Visually, amazing. Next Level Games really outdid themselves with the animations. It's just sad that the gameplay and the direction the game took aren't as good. Not a fan of that cartoony look this and the second have, and it's just overall boring after playing a bit.

Good game to play only once and never again. That's what I did

Fun for a bit every now and then, but most of the tracks are pretty boring in design.

A few new tracks are trying new designs so it's showing promise, but the majority of the tracks are still pretty unexciting.

I don't think it holds up to previous games, sadly. Especially the one released like a decade+ ago that never got out of beta in the west (I think it was called just KartRider)