If you 100% this game and mention it to 100 people within earshot of a college before getting caught you get a free psychology degree

Quick someone make a mod that replaces all the cops with union workers and we'll sell it to Elon Musk. We'll be millionaires by the end of the month trust me.


To me, all that matters in smash mods/fangames is two things

1: You can play as Waluigi
2: He's fun to play

I can safely confirm that is the case here.

The entire trilogy being free while the Lucifer spinoff being 2.99 is meant to represent how money and capitalism corrupt humanity, even if it's a mere 2.99, it weighs on your soul. Bravo, Devs. You've made the most poignant metaphor in gaming

Fuck you Yakuza you could have made me play a good game for that shit ass electronic asshole

Did you know that Android 21 was originally going to be a cybernetically enhanced member of red ribbon dedicated to bringing the army back to it's full glory, but the initial design was rejected due to several countries at the time trying to limit Nazis or nazi-looking iconography in games? Google 'lady red Toriyama' for more information.

Fun time and all but loses out on five stars because despite being a celebration of all things Mario with several callbacks, at no point Mario looks to the camera and says 'if you do drugs you go to hell before you die' biggest missed opportunity of the game.

Sorry, you're gonna need to free up space in your satchel before you can read my review

There are various moments where you FEEL like the iconic DBZ character you control. Like when Vegeta's training segments are way harder than anything else in the game for no goddamn reason, making me share his complete hatred of everything around him at the time.
It's also very similar to DBZ in that it falls off hard during the Buu saga

So peak you'll forgive the main villain faction being named Zugzwang

"Oh hey the boss guard is down time to deal some dama-"

Boss: L + ratio + guards full + get comboed + long recovery animation + heal half my health + no heat to stop it + billions must reluctantly switch to easy

Yep, it's a good season

What can I say? I Like all the areas, the train heists and boss fights are pretty fun this time round, and it has the guy from Seth McFarlanes familial dude or whatever that show is called.
(On the topic of Seth McFarlane the new ted show is actually pretty good, give it a watch)

My first review was made at roughly the halfway point of the game and it was a joke about the bosses being consistently awful. I still stand by that (that one Neo knock-off specifically can eat a dick) but I'd be lying if I said there wasn't SOME enjoyment in upgrading your skills, equipping the heat gloves, switching to brawler, and just heat countering everything with my technique 'essense of nuh-uh' and healing constantly.