Fun fact: Many do not know that this game happens on the same planet as another popular WH40k game, Space Marine.

Fun fact: Originally, "Space Marine" was planned as a trilogy where it would show Titus slowly severing his ties with the Ultramarines to build his own "Chapter" (a type of WH40k army/group). And, even though the game got a sequel, it is suggested that the original plans were discarded.

Fun fact: Some trivia about the Gunsmith; If you didn't recognize her, she is portrayed by Stephanie Joosten, which you may know her for playing Quiet in Metal Gear Solid V; And her cat, Paws, is modelled after the director's cat.

Fun fact: According to the game's calendar, Gascon is only 17-18 years old throughout the main story.

Fun fact: The voice actor for Adam Jensen (Elias Toufexis) is actually married to the voice actor of Megan Reed (Michelle Boback).

Fun fact: In "A Quiet Drink", Alix Wilton Regan (voice actor for Kerillian) actually recorded her lines while drunk.

Fun fact: The dev team chose penguins as protagonists because they are cute and, allegedly, "the clumsiest creatures in the world"; therefore they fit right in with the idea.

Fun fact: Game director Guilherme Martins said that one of Fennel's attacks is a direct homage to Marth's (protagonist of several Fire Emblem games) aerial attack in Super Smash Bros.

Fun fact: This game is surrounded by good trivia, but i will mention two of the most obvious. On the original concept, this project was planned as a Resident Evil game; And many demons are named after Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Fun fact: The game director said that originally the story would happen in New Orleans instead of Mexico.

Fun fact: On the original Lethal League, beta testers had a golden ball to play with.

Fun fact: As much as anything Warhammer related, this game is filled to the brim with deep lore. So here's a piece which many may not know: Flayed-ones (those melee-only Necrons) are regular troops which suffer from a degenerative disease. They do not recognize well their new identities as robots and are often obsessed with flesh (to the point of wearing ripped skin).

Fun fact: Larian Studios originally planned 7 maps for the game (one for each race); Then when reality struck that they couldn't handle a project of that size they had to adjust their scope.

Fun fact: Originally, this game was supposed to be a sequel to Activision's "True Crime" series, however the project wasn't approved because they didn't want to compete with other crime/gangster open-world games like GTA or Saints Row. So the game was reworked and picked up by Square Enix.

Fun fact: In act II, one of the Fallen Knight scrolls found mentions a brother named "Mario" and mushroom eating.