4 reviews liked by ComradeKiwi

Amazing story and super fun gameplay, but the bugs I kept getting every single time I played were infuriating. Getting killed during cutscenes, my computer turning off, not being able to return to Caldera Station due to a bug that STILL hasn't been fixed - it's not okay to release a game in a state like this and ask for AAA price.

The perfect first time for anyone wanting to get into stealth & immersive sims. Easy and exploitable, but rich in nonlinear emergent gameplay that feels satisfying and refreshing to play.

My favourite horror game, Cry of Fear is not only horrifying the first time, but it can be oddly cozy as you explore Stockholm's detailed streets and it's a decent mechanical game to boot, this free mod for Half Life 1 makes dozens of AAA campaigns quake in their boots.

A must play.
Thief won't be EVERYONE'S thing immediately due to some early 2000s jank and my ADHD ass needed a lot of motivation to get around to finishing it, but its raw systems and design are some of the best and most engaging in gaming that it's kind of surprising how much newer games refuse to follow in its footsteps.