I mean it's probably the scariest FNAF game. It's quite terrifying since you're living it and then they pop out in front of you, especially when you realise how big they are.

Actually a super fun game. Recently got a Quest 2 and I'm so glad I did, just for games like this that keep me entertained for hours on end.

One of the wildest games I've played in some time. Shame the controls make me want to cry because there's some fun to be had here.

Didn't think I'd enjoy it but it's alright. I do suffer performance issues from time to time especially when it comes to input lag when playing online which massively affect my impression. The game's main appeal is getting to play as characters from my/your childhood but when that wears off there's not a great deal of reasons to keep playing. Honestly just play Smash you'll have a lot more fun and replayability.

I mean it's fun. Not revolutionary or anything but it's fun to play and watch the hours fly by. Can be a tad bit repetitive but I still like to hop on from time to time. Despite my many hours on the game I've never played the football mini game, not sure as to why.... just weird.

This game is a lot better than I thought it would be. I wasn't expecting much but it's honestly great. Whether you're playing survivor or demon the game is just fun, and that's it needed to be. Private matches with friends is some of the most fun you can have and the gameplay is absolutely stellar. I have a few hours of game time and yet I'm still not bored, it's not the kind of game I would play alone but with friends it's just great. As a fan of the Evil Dead movies I was somewhat nervous when this was announced but they did well with this.

I took my time playing this game and I'm glad I did because overall I enjoyed the hell out of it and it made me feel like a kid again. It's a game I have looked forward to for so long and I can safely say that whilst it's not the best lego game I've ever played but it's the best one in a long time. It can be very frustrating at times though because some levels can be so much better than others and movies can be so much more fun to play through than the others, for example I thoroughly enjoyed playing through Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Empire Strikes Back, Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker (though the game reminded how bad that movie is lol) but the others felt like a bit of a drag to get through but they aren't horrendous. My main issue with the game is it feels like most of (mainly cutscenes) are rushed and it feels like the game is trying to speedrun the entire saga. Especially New Hope which I genuinely felt out of breath whilst playing. This may be due in part to the game being way too ambitious for it's own good. Funnily enough the only parts that didn't feel rushed were the sequels. As far as performance goes I did expierence a few visual bugs but nothing game breaking.

I get most criticism for it ain't perfect but I feel some is way too harsh, like I've seen people having a go at the difficulty.... you do realize that it's a lego game as is probably not meant to rival Dark Souls. Another issue I do take with the game is the menus. It is way too complicated for a lego game and I feel like I need a PHD to find things or change characters. I played this with my little brother and god bless his little brain was melting trying to select BB-8 in free play.... and frankly so was mine. But going back to the positives, I thought the combat was good and the humour was enjoyable. The boss fights are okay... I guess, none of them particularly stand out to me apart from maybe Grievous and Anakin in EP3. So overall I do think it lived up to hype pretty well and free play can be a blast especially since the characters can have some pretty good lines with each other. The game had a difficult job because the hype was just plain unfair and it's delays proved that, honestly it could've done with one or two more but overall the game is a blast.

Didn't think I'd have this much to say about this game but here goes. Tried this out since it was free with games with gold, I'm very torn and I'll explain why. On the positive side the game is quite fun. Narrative is easy enough to follow and the water physics are absolutely astounding even by today's standards, the combat is decent enough and the whole hacking mechanic is nice, overall the game's mechanics are what make it so strong in the first place. But going back to the narrative that's the main thing that weighs this game down as it's very dodgy at times but it's not the worst I've ever seen. Also the length is questionable since it only took my a couple of hours to beat.

However I want to dedicate an entire section to the game's ending because wtf. The game doesn't even end, it just stops. Genuinely the most abrupt ending I've ever seen anything ever. So fucking lazy (pardon my French but it's the only way I can think to get across how frustrating it is) and it's a huge shame because I was actually kind of enjoying it up until then. Overall it just seems like they created this game to test water physics, baffles me as I genuinely think this game had big potential.

Glad I played this. Obviously very reminiscent of the older Resident Evil and Silent Hill games, more so of the old RE games but I don't find it to be a 'carbon copy' like some have claimed. I love how they brought back tank controls for people for like that, I'm not one of them but I'm glad the option is there. I've also seen criticism for the less than stellar voice acting but if anything I'm glad it's like that, gives it that charm that the older RE games had. But about the actual story I think it's good. Not a masterpiece by any means but I enjoyed the narrative and it's direction. As far as fear factor goes it's one of the few games in recent times that somewhat unnerved me so I'll give it that. The main issue for me was the whole saving mechanic. I understood it but it made playing quite tedious and a bit of a grind at times, feel like I found myself forcing myself to complete a section or continue playing so I didn't lose progress, especially towards the end and I wasn't big on that. But all things considered if you like Resident Evil or Silent Hill games like myself then I'd suggest giving this game a go as you'll most likely find some enjoyment in it.

Holy Hannah. I wasn't expecting it to be this good. Easily the best Metro game and it isn't even close. I don't usually take too long when playing a game for the first time (I usually save that for the second playthrough) but I couldn't help but enthrall myself in this banger of a game. I despise the silent protagonist trope but this is the first time in history where I actually liked and felt attached to one. Every other character is fantastic as well and I honestly couldn't name a bad one. I loved the train section and it's easily the longest I spent before moving on, the vibe of that segment was unmatched. Great side missions as well and the game was definitely worth the 20 hours I sunk into it on my first playthrough, not ashamed to admit that I nearly cried at the ending.

One hell of a ride. I was expecting a massive downgrade given what everyone has been saying but I love Borderlands 3 a lot. The story is great and whilst the villians weren't the most interesting or compelling the game certainly made me hate them. The ending is fantastic and.... I never cry at Borderlands..... but the ending almost changed that.

I honestly enjoyed Last Light a lot more than I thought I would. The story is a hell of a lot better than 2033's and whilst it's atmosphere maybe isn't as good, the writing and characters take a big step up with Anna, Khan and 'The Little One' being amongst my favourites. It actually got me to care are Artyom which is more than I can say for the predecessor, also the missions are fun and the stealth is a lot better in quality. I got the bad ending and whilst I understand it isn't canon, I kinda prefer it to the good and canon ending.

The Pre-Sequel was such a nice surprise. After seeing what people had to say I wasn't expecting much but I absolutely loved it. It sets up one of the best games and villians of all time super well and it's just a great game. Speaking of Jack is just a fantastic villian and this game actually manages to make me feel empathy for him when I didn't think they could enhance his story anymore but they did. Probably in the minority but oh well, I love this game, very underrated.

Extraction is fine and mostly fun to be honest. I like the mechanics, gunplay and the way you can play it with friends is good. It's not a game that I'll put an abundance of hours into but I like it a lot nonetheless. Just wish it was fleshed out a bit more