Without a doubt the best game in the Uncharted series. The story and character development was top notch and the environments themselves were interesting and beautiful. I still have the same gripe with this game that I had with the other games in the series - the combat. I just don't feel that it is very fun and that it's just there to add length to the story and to add an element other than platforming. Combat aside though this was a great game that was well worth playing through.

This game was a bit of a surprise. I am a huge Kojima fan, but after hearing only only bad things since it was released I was skeptical to even pick it up. The graphics were incredible, the soundtrack was great, and story was very intriguing throughout. The cast of characters was bizarre an interesting and the game was just addictive from start to finish. There were some dry spots (it started out like an extremely long tutorial), but as a whole the game was incredible. Well worth playing through.

I was fully drawn into this game's world through it's one of a kind art style, sound design, and incredible atmosphere. Though no words were spoken the game I still found myself totally immersed. Some of the platforming and puzzles were a bit disappointing, but the overall experience was top notch. Definitely glad I checked this out and I'm glad I got the Complete Edition as the DLC content was quite good.

Stardew Valley is easily one of my favorite games of all times, as well as one of my favorite indie games of all time. I have played it on several platforms too, just because it is so darn good (mobile, Vita, and PS4). It is mind blowing that this was made by just one person. The sheer amount of content here is astounding, and it all works together so well. The farming is fun, the fishing is fun, interacting with town folk is fun, and the mining is... well, less fun, but still okay. The writing throughout is just fantastic too. Couldn't give this game higher praise. Absolutely loved it. I had a blast playing through in co-op too!

This game was a surprisingly good addition to Danganronpa 1 and 2, despite the gameplay being a complete departure from the other games. I felt that the shooter gameplay was decent, but not great, and in all honesty was probably the weakest element of the game as a whole. The story on the other hand was just as well done as it was in DR1 and 2, and I thoroughly enjoyed the game from start to finish. I'm very glad I played through this. Definitely one of the better games available on Vita.

This was a short game, but boy was it something else! The minimalist art style worked well, and the gameplay was simple and enjoyable throughout. Where the game shines the most is with its story and writing. Everything was just so bizarre and kept me wondering what in the world was going on. The characters and situations you found yourself in were often hilarious and I had a smile on my face throughout. The only downside was it was very very short, which is why I didn't score it higher. Still, it was super fun from start to end. Well worth the play through.

Another one of my all time favorite games. The original campaign didn't match the level of the campaign in D1, but it was still very enjoyable throughout. Where the game really shines is in the end game content. I have sunk probably close to 2000 hours into this game since release, and while I haven't played it much since the end of 2021 it is still one of my favorite games of all time. So many great memories with it. An absolute gem.

A Short Hike was a really enjoyable little game, but it was incredibly short game. I finished the main story and all the side content I could find in about two hours. I did really enjoy the gameplay, which made exploring this little world a lot of fun. The art style was great, the writing was well done, and the game as a whole just had a ton of charm. This was well worth playing through, I just wish it had been a bit longer.

This was a seriously fun game, even though it wass more or less a sort-of-long demo. Regardless, the graphics were great (especially the rain and lighting), the gameplay was a lot of fun, and the story tied together nicely with Peace Walker and The Phantom Pain. Really had a lot of fun with this one.

Fantastic game! Gorgeous visuals, extremely fun gameplay, and a decent enough story. Definitely glad I picked this one up! The strongest part of the game was the campaign, which I had a blast with. Outside of the main story I was a bit disappointed though. I wasn't interested in going back and getting all of the collectibles, and the DLC was more or less forgettable (minus Baba Yaga which was very good). Got tired of it after the campaign was done, but as a whole package it was solid.

I was really excited to play this as I had wanted to ever since it was first announced. Sadly, I didn't enjoy it as much as I had expected. The music and art design were great, but the gameplay was just really lacking, and sadly the world design didn't make up for it. Not a bad game by any means, just not as good as I had anticipated. It was also really short, clocking in at about 3 hours. That said, I'm kind of glad it wasn't any longer than that.

I played through this on the Stadia, which made for a less than ideal experience. My internet at the time of playing was pretty slow, which often times made the game quite laggy and often annoying to play. Still, the game was a lot of fun, though maybe less fun than the original. Great setting and a creepy atmosphere throughout. Lots of inventive puzzles throughout. A great series which doesn't get the credit it deserves. Would love to eventually play through this again on a non-streaming platform.

Easily one of my favourite campaigns of all time. So many memorable campaign stages, and it was an absolute ton of fun to play in co-op. Spent hundreds of hours in the end game content with my wife. Definitely one of my all time favorite games. Played through on both PS3 and PS4.

This game was honestly a bit of a surprise. I heard only bad things about it when it was released and was honestly skeptical to even pick it up. Surprisingly, I ended up really enjoying the game's single player and found it to be very cinematic. It looked incredible to boot. I felt that the game had a much more fluid progression than most COD games, too. I didn't feel I was being tossed into a random new location just because it would look cool. All in all it was an enjoyable campaign, and as expected I did not enjoy the multiplayer.

This was my first game on the PS4 (it came bundled with the system), and I thought it was fantastic. It was a CoD game with a campaign that was actually worth playing, and it was a huge improvement Advanced Warfare, which I had high hopes for and was hugely let down by. BO3 had lots of fun mechanics and the story was surprisingly good too. That said, I really didn't like the Zombies multiplayer mode or the PVP. I played through the main story and went back in to grab all the trophies I wanted to get.