Was fun to play, like the last DLC and for the same reasons. The story is lost on me, I consider it not cannon. Let's pretend it's fanfiction. That doesn't take away from more breathtaking Rapture environments, worth it for that alone.

I can see why this gets addicting, but I binge played for almost 7 hours and just didn't return. Not because it's bad, I don't know why.

Story is too complex for me to analyze.

But it's essentially more great Bioshock environments and gameplay, but without the timeless story. It was fun for the gameplay and upgraded visuals alone. A last visit to Rapture? That's enough for me to have a good time.

Ultimate short and sweet humorous puzzle game which doesn't feel like puzzle game. Kick started my interest for gaming during childhood. Runs on a potato nowadays, and there is no excuse not to play.

I remember having a lot of fun with this

Survival horror at it's best. Unlike in games like Outlast, you have some fighting chance and the gunplay is amazing. Still also somehow one of the best looking games I have played, despite releasing in 2014.

It's one of the few horror games that manages to be truly scary, thanks to it's carefully designed AI system and the real threat of loosing progress... but not enough progress to the point of frustration.

It's also one of the most immersive games I have played. The atmosphere is consistent and drags you in, and dare I say the world sometimes feels dynamic like a immersive sim, thanks to the always looming threat that is the alien, and it truly feels like it's always looking for you. The world feels alive and always moves.

Played well on Linux.

This game's artistic depiction of hell is masterful, and worth playing through just for that alone. It truly feels like you are traveling in a dimension not made by man, and gives a similar feeling to exploring alien planets, except this of course has loads of esoteric spirituality vibes and gave me a good dose of existential dread.

It mostly feels like you are traveling in a place you are truly not meant to see, except when it gets edgy for edgy's sake. I can imagine they had a lot of fun coming up with the most screwed up ideas and depictions.

Be aware however that the gameplay is... bland. And a bit sloppy & buggy. I lost the will to continue and just watched a playthrough after I was about 75% finished with the game.

Now, it's no Bioshock 1 or 2. But it's still an amazing game, even if the story didn't quite hook me as much, and was rather confusing for the sake of it.

One thing I really liked is how the game's answer to Plasmids, ran out quicker, and I found that I had to use them more strategically. I didn't have an infinite supply, so every use packed a punch.

Every nook and cranny is an artpeice just like the previous games, but the world here didn't feel as immersive and timeless.

Played on Linux

Now, this game has potential. I was hooked for a few hours of trying to survive and discovering new things and overcoming my fears. Problem being that the style is so inconsistent, and the content dries out quick. It's openly unfinished, but doesn't seem to be gaining much more updates.

So it has lots of potential, but kind of just OK for now. If you're a fan of The Backrooms like me, it will at least hook you in for a few hours.

Amazing vehicle physics sandbox. I never got too deep into it, but it's what you make of it.

Nice horror game oozing with style. It manages to be scary while not relying on gore or shock.

I did get lost a few times, but I would say the game does communicate nicely what you need to do, which is what games like these often struggle with.

Nice and short funny little game, no reason not to play

Played on Linux

On my list of favorite games. It's a world that immerses you with deep mechanics that utilizes the environment, and allows for some emergent gameplay despite being a simpler immersive sim.

It's timeless and a piece of art. The style and atmosphere needs no introduction, it truly feels like a place. I look back at memories for this game when thinking of the best gaming moments.

Also, it teaches you how Objectivism is objectively bad. May also have indirectly made me discover Libertarian Socialism. The political commentary manages to be both subtle and clear.

Played on Linux

Much of the same from Bioshock, but I found the gameplay to be a tad better. It's more of the same, but it's more focused, cause they used what clearly worked.

It's more Bioshock. Therefore more of my all time favorites.

One of my childhood games. I never managed to complete it fully when little.

This is surprisingly good for an old movie tie-in game. It's a nice platformer with a crazy amount of variation from different gameplay scenarios. I unironically recommend it if you're looking for a kind of short game with lots of variation.