Tom Clancy's Stealth for Dummies.

South Park games were so bad that THIS was considered good until the RPG released.

I hold a grudge against this game for fucking up my gamerscore.

Even the Doritos Pope himself wouldn't recommend this game.

This was the best birthday gift that a fifteen year-old could ask for.

Man, I really played some garbage when I used to go for achievements.

It's Microsoft's shitty version of Mario Party.

The blandest of bland twin-stick shooters.

Admit it. You only played this game because it was one of the only early arcade games that wasn't complete garbage.

The definition of "I was fifteen and rented this for the achievements".

I'll never get the four hours of my life that I wasted on this game back.

If you aren't playing the game with a silly avatar, then are you really playing the game?