It says a lot about the state of Star Wars video games that people think this is one of the better ones.

The definition of "we have Diablo at home".

This is where my useless trivia autism truly shines.

I grinded this game while binge watching The Sopranos in the background.

Member when Naughty Dog didn't just make movie games? I member.

If you don't like these games, I object to your taste in vidya.

The definition of "I only played this because it was on Game Pass".

MLMs and Ponzi schemes have more effort put into them than this game.

I could spend 500 hours driving around the map in that stupid elephant car and not get bored.

Ever want to play a worse Duke Nukem Forever? Well here ya go!

I have 500+ hours in this game and I'm still trash. Absolute masterpiece.

I love forcing my friends who hate playing top-down games to play top-down games.