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10 hrs ago

louiseyhannah reviewed Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
truthfully, i finished this game weeks ago, and truthfully i still find myself stunned on what to say.

the final stretch of this game is so absolutely magnificent that so much of my gut wants to rate this a 5/5. the final two chapters, and the post credits scene, are beyond stunning. they encapsulate the story beyond measure, leave me full of love and melancholy and feelings so full i don't know what to do with them.

but my brain knows this is not a 5/5. there are some biiiig flaws to this game that i just can't deny. some, if not most, of the new characters feel a little underdone, their stories rushed or cut off or just not as good as i know they could have been with a longer story. the engine's combat is just not for me, there's only so much ragdolling hilarity before i wish enemies would just sit still whilst i crush them LMAO

some bigger feelings i would have towards this game would realm too into spoilers for this review, but all in all, this and yakuza 5 are, to me, the Ultimate Kiryu Kazuma games. they are so good at dissecting him and showing him to be a man so full of flaws, and a man you just want to be happy. he is so beautiful, and after Y6 i think about him a worrying amount. he used to not be in my top5 yakuza characters and now he's battling it out for number 1. he really did it. i love him. he is the reason my heart screams for this to be 5/5 stars!!! kiryu!!!! !! aaaaaaaaaa!!! !!!! !!!

18 hrs ago

Oshha commented on PhantomJack's list Recommend Me Some Visual Novels
yeah not all of suda's "kill the past" games are visual novels, just the the silver case and the 4th game, the 25th ward. IFY chaos;head NOAH is the steam port of the game but its essentially the same game. Visual novels have the tendency to be better off played with patches, since stuff like voice acting being exclusive to certain versions or bad official translations tend to be common. So i would recommend looking into those before starting any (like downloading the voice acting patch and original artwork for higurashi as an example)

20 hrs ago

21 hrs ago

21 hrs ago

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