1 review liked by Ctfgaming

Narratively this is a stepbackwards from the series' previous installment. Whereas Heavensward was tightly written, Stormblood's lacks of focus is very apparent. This is partially due to the multiple detours that get in the way of progressing the plot. There is also the questionable decision of turning this expansion into two distinct storylines that feel completely isolated from one another until the climax. The story's justification for this is adequate, but short of satisfying. There are also several characters introduced through this expansion. While servicable, this can also be seen as a regression from Heavensward's notably more compelling cast. The most intriguing character present in the narrative lacks screen time that comes as a consequence of the split storylines. Instead, we primarily follow somebody who is arguably the least memorable major character introduced within the past 2 expansions. The characters surrounding him, luckily, are more interesting and make following him more tolerable.

Looking at these facets alone, it would make sense to call this a disappointing follow up. However, there are multiple factors that offer a lot to the holistic experience of Stormblood. FFXIV once again does a fine job executing its themes. Similarly to Heavensward's focus on developing Ishgard's socioeconomic layer, the conflict is heavily centered around oppression, which operates through systematic and internalized racism. The locations introduced are by far the most memorable, several of which are enhanced by the unique races that inhibit them. Of course, this also acknowledges the fantastic worldbuilding, adding greatly to the already fascinating world of Eorzea. New ideas are introduced to the gameplay, making the boss design increasingly dynamic through additional mechanics. This allows for undoubtedly the best boss fights in the series up to this point.

Though, what truly elevates this expansion is not seen until after the main story, which presents 3 mini arcs. The former two give conclusions to several character arcs, ultimately servicing the main story. The latter is distinct in that it functions as a set up to the next chapter in FFXIV's overarching narrative. It wouldn't be stretch to say this final arc provided the best content in the series to date.

Overall, as flawed as it may be, Stormblood is a solid addition to the series that opens up ridiculous potential to the future of this MMO.