Pretty awesome I just need 9 friends for the multiplayer

Tanks hard carries this game

Bad but not completely unplayable somehow, impressive port

Really enjoyed this game, sucks what happened to it :(

Super good shooter with immaculate spritework

I wish I could use the dancepad for ddr but alas

Probably the best of the olympic games games that I've played, really good single card multiplayer too

As you'd expect if you're coming from RAD it's just a worse version of that game, my main complaint is how strict they are about destroying buildings that was one of my favorite things to do in RAD

Overall good modpack with an active online community and good tracks, some of the older ones are really bad though and they don't let me play on dolphin

(Review for JP version) Fantastic ace combat game with branching paths and the most missions out of any ace combat game, AI friends just kinda suck sometimes

greatest fighting game of all time but better