I was once driven to hysterical, uncontrollable laughter when playing co-op because a puzzle that took us nearly half an hour to solve was messed up at the last second by placing the wrong portal causing us to need to restart the entire puzzle. Five stars.

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The gameplay and graphics are obviously improved with some small deficits, the stealth gameplay while still encouraged just doesn't really work well and strangely enough it seems the optimal way to navigate levels in this game about killing nazis is to avoid killing nazis and simply run past them. Again the cast of characters and the story absolutely carries this game there are basically no classic boss fights which is a blessing considering how menial and boring they were in the two previous titles. I will say the game loses a bit of intensity despite the higher pace of the game, the panzerhunds which were previously almost horror enemies moving fast and being overwhelming are now slow moving bullet sponges that breathe fire. But man is killing nazis just a great time plus the game's cast of heros is diverse and entertaining each being an absolutely fantastic and memorable character. Would definitely recommend this game probably even over New Order.

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Game is pretty good, story is very entertaining. I will say the game has a couple of issues in the gameplay, stealth is encouraged but not particularly fun, especially considering the lineage of this game being run and gun shoot nazis. As a note on that in many of the later levels do to the design of the map the best way to play is to stand as far back and pick of enemies before they get to you which didn't really feel great. On top of that the last level really drags because of all the absolute bullet sponge enemies when the tone of the story and stakes should have you moving as fast as you can you can to save your friends and finally defeat deathshead but instead you are forced to move at a glacial pace firing seemingly endless bullets into a bunch of uninteresting enemies. Finally the bosses(like in old blood) are pretty boring the first boss the London monitor is a puzzle boss that feels more like busy work than anything else. Then you have the fake out final boss which is a simple third times the charm mechanic that is again not very fun (you just play peekaboo and throw grenades) and then finally the two stage final boss against deathshead. Step one is again a puzzle avoid getting shot blow up some blimps. Phase two is a bullet sponge in an increasingly dangerous arena, ultimately this manages to be the most fun I have had with any bosses in the series, I haven't completed Youngbloods yet but I do not have particularly high hopes. Despite this compliment the boss is still ultimately disappointing. This game is truly carried by the story and great cast of characters without that it would just be a generic slog.

Good prequel to a good game. Gunplay is adequate and the characters are all interesting. Plus the story is pretty good. Playing the game with stealth as the objective is honestly the a better experience which feels like a failure to uphold the legacy of the game where you run from room turing Nazis to paste. The final boss is also tedious to fight not being particularly challenging just annoying while it soaks up an mountain of ammunition with out much more to offer.(at the time of this review I haven't beaten the entire reboot series but I will say this boss problem does persist in New Order) Overall I enjoyed this game but I dont expect to pick it up again, at least not for a long time, nor do I expect it to stick in my memory.

An absolute classic, fun music great level design, hilarious characters. Genuinely hours upon hours of mindless fun alone or with friends, of all the zombie games to have ever been released this may well be the best of the best.

I'm a massive fan of the Assasin's Creed franchise so I am pretty biased. With that being said this is potentially the best game in the franchise, it takes all the best elements of the first game and improves them. The freerunning, combat and social stealth are all improved along with the loadout that your character has access to. On top of that Ezio's story is more personal and much more relatable than that of Altair many people consider Ezio the best protagonist in the series and its easy to see why. He's charming and grows alot through the journey of the game going from angry and brash to wise and determined. The music of this game set the tone for the entirety of the series and Renaissance Italy is a gorgeous area to explore. Additionally despite being historical fiction this game takes some of the greatest steps to ensure the accuracy of the environment of the game out of any in the series. Alongside all this the true story of the game that takes place in the modern day ramps up and reveals more layers of intrigue to build on the mysteries set up in the first game. Assasin's Creed 2 has easily the best combat in the entire series perhaps barring Assasin's Creed Unity, or Origins(which a was a massive departure from the classic combat system). It more polished than the previous games combat and adds new weapons to your arsenal and options on how you use them, the animations are stylish but not over the top and most importantly there is a level of challenge that would not be present in the series for many years to come. It is not too particularly difficult it is easy to grasp but difficult to master, with the result being that once you do master it you feel massive sense of accomplishment and skill as you face crowds of enemies that would have made you flee up the side of a building earlier in your lets play and instead dispatch them one by one with the finesse of a true assassin. Unlike in subsequent games starting in brotherhood and continuing until the release of AC Unity where a simple counter kill lead to an endless button mash where you chained kills together in a stylish but ultimately boring and unrewarding montages that is not much better than a cutscene quick time event.

Continues the incredible story of the first game with a truly heart wrenching story about love, loss, pain, and the price of revenge. The gameplay is vastly improved with much better movement and melee combat along with great gunplay that isn't cumbersome but is just difficult enough to make you panic in intense situations lending a high level of verisimilitude to the survival aspects of the game. I will say there are a couple of nitpick I have with certain parts of the game that I don't think need to lower my overall rating. I will also say there feels like the balance of enemies is pretty heavily skewed towards humans as opposed to infected, which is a shame because the designs, models, textures, performances, and of course terror that the infected present are excellent.

Incredible puzzle game. Innovative. Breezy to get through and a lot of the comedy is still pretty funny.

What happens when you take an incredible art style, impeccable sound design, essentially perfect levels, and a system that weighs how you choose to interact with every enemy in the game? You get Dishonored. I have replayed this game more times than I can count, you can play it so many different ways, from what powers you choose to upgrade how you navigate the world, whether you choose a stealthy approach or go guns blazing, and if you are merciful or merciless. You can genuinely play this game 10 times and still miss details, hidden routes through areas and options for how to deal with certain situations. So much of the world is interactive even when its something as mundane as closing the lid of a toilet the environment feels like a real place inhabited by real people. This is perhaps one of the greatest peaks of the immersive sim genre of video games. You have a wide variety of powers that can be used in a number of creative way, along with a collection of useful weapons and gadgets, and while navigating the game you can come upon a number of bonecharms that give small upgrades that can make massive changes to your playstyle. The atmosphere of Dunwall is tangible the oppressive regime, the fear of the citizens and the desolation that the rat plague has wrought can be felt everywhere. A large portion of the main cast are not only memorable but are also multidimensional, and flawed in very human ways, even your targets are interesting,(and usually despicable). Plus what other game lets you stop time posess a man and have all his friends get consumed by a swarm of rats.

There's nothing particularly wrong with this game, I tried to play it on release and many times since, I just never really get into it guess its not for me but I can see the appeal. It's graphics still hold up and the characters seem great. It just doesn't grab me the way other games do.

Spider-Man (don't forget the hyphen) is one of the greatest superheros ever put to paper. This game managed to capture the character in a way that is perhaps better than any interpretation save the origional source material of the comics. On top of that, you have excellent performances from the cast, nearly addictive combat, an excellent selection of villains, and a story line with constantly building stakes both for the city of and personally for Peter. There's is a wide selection of costume choices(which is expected at this point in spiderman games) and most of them add a fun ability to spice up the already exciting combat. As an open world game it does have a number of side missions but they mostly appear organically and don't feel nearly as intrusive or obstructive as other titles especially because moving around the map is such a joy. The web-swinging which is of course the most important part of any spider-man game is top notch, its been said before but the game reay does make you feel like spider-man. It's hard to describe just how fun it is to swing around the city you'll just have to try it yourself. On top of all of that it is also one of the only games I've ever played to actually move me to tears. Just an incredible experience.

An excellent story and great world building, unfortunately the gameplay does feel extremely dated and now I could just enjoy that story as a show on a streaming platform without hours of crouch walking interrupting it. A classic to be sure but like Mozart or Bach, I don't really feel like playing it all that often

Very fun collection of games. Some pretty fun mysteries with strange solutions and an incredible cast of characters. I will say some of the investigation portions require some old school point and click levels of leaps in logic to figure out what you need to do next and sometimes the order you have to present evidence can be frustrating do to the overall lack of control in HOW you present the evidence during trials.

Deeply disappointing, read my review of Alien VS Predator (2010). This game fails in every way that game succeeds. What more is there to say.

Honestly a sleeper classic. Does incredible justice to its source material (arguably better than either AVP films)with three engaging, and interconnected single player campaigns. There is clear arcade shooter influence in the DNA of this game in the best way. The game manages to play as both an incredible power fantasy with rewarding stealth gameplay as the Alien and Predator, as well as an Action Horror in the Marine campaign. This is all compounded with an incredible multiplayer where the three species can either fight or join forces against one another. The multiplayer's maps have an incredible range of style and aesthetic and intricate design that lends itself to all three Species movement and combat capabilities.