430 Reviews liked by Cyberauder

I've been trying to fins something like this for years, now the quest is over. Tetris is the epitome of gaming. GO SUPPORT IT!!!



not nearly enough platforms listed in the Played On section here. i played this on a piano once.

The internet lied to you.
This game is an absolute banger, a very mechanicaly deep action game, the logic evolution to RE4's combat.
Never let anyone convince you otherwise.

The people who rag on this glorious masterpiece are amateurs who don’t even know what a Coup De Grâce Is

Vanquishbros I don't think we can hold on to hope for this one anymore......

Perdonen, Kamehameha
Después del tema del Tetris
Viene el Dragon Ball Rap

Quien no haya seguido esta serie es que porque no tiene infancia
Big Bang Attack Ataca desde el Planeta Namek
Vegeta, Son Goku rivalidad de Saiyan
Allargat Bastó! y es que en castellano ralla
Mola mas en Catalán prefiero en Nubol kinton
El canvi de lloc instantani al verlo me flipó

Son Goku, Goten, Krilin, Pan,
Trunks, Yamsha, Chaos y Ten Shin han
Son Gohan de niño me Flipaba en segundo nivel
Satan no venció a Célula tampoco Videl
Nadie Podía con Broly el super saiyan legendario
pedir la energía a todo el planeta fue necesario pa' vencer

La bola Genki Carbonizo a Magin Boo
y Freezer Remodelado cedio frente la espada de Trunks
Los Ozaru Perdían el juicio
Se destrozaban ciudades atraviesan edificios
1! 2! 3! Fusión!!
la ocarina contenía a Hildegan dentro de Tapion

Las Bolas de Dragon esparcidas por el mundo
Teniendo Radar y capsulas habrá que poner rumbo
Raditz Murió junto a Goku, Vegeta se cargo a Nappa
Gohan lo tuvo crudo con los guerreros de Plata

La Fuerza Aumentaba a no se cuantos Kilis
Vegeta dejo controlarse... por Bavidi
Cor Petit y Krilin se convirtieron en Piedra
por Dabra y el gran saiyan-man se rebela
Pelea contra los terroristas que hay en la ciudad
Dragon Ball Rap, Boojack Per mi Bola de Drac
Bienvenidos sean siempre a la sala del tiempo
Donde un día real aquí es una año de entrenamiento
Los Androides surgieron del Dr.Gero
en los torneos casi siempre Goku Quedaba Primero

En los Cielos se Apalanca Siempre Yajirobai
Me Hacia gracia ver llegar sobre un tronco a Tao Pai Pai
Turles y la fruta del poder Garlic, Junior
se hizo grande en un momento joder
Alubias Mágicas?? Nah Monjetas Magicas...
Kaio Shin, Vegetto el resultado de Pothara
Con la Ayuda de Paikun fusión de Goku y Vegeta
Janemba no pudo compararse al poder de Gojeta
Gotrunks en Tercera era un vacilón
cuando alguien perdía la vida lo resucitaba Shenron
Oolong, Bulma, Pooar, Dende todo en un papel
el máximo poder se quedo en el cuarto nivel

Fuerzas especiales?? Ginyu Cambia de cuerpo
Dodoria, Zarbon, Recoom Todos acabaron muertos
Cooler, Baby Dragones de cada estrella
Bardok hizo lo posible por defender su planeta

Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Es Arte
Dragon Ball GT Sea el que sea LO PARTE!!

Yeah, perdonen, Kamehameha, después del tema del tetris viene el dragon ball rap.
Quien no haya seguido esta serie es porque no tiene infancia big bang attack

Dragon ball (D R A G O N)
Dragon ball (D R A G O N)
Dragon ball
What is my destiny, dragon ball
Io so che tu lo sai, dragon ball
Perché non c'è un drago che
Sia grande come te
What is your destiny, dragon ball (what's your destiny)
Tu non ce lo dirai, dragon ball (what's my destiny)
Ma tornerai e già lo sai
Che il buio vincerai
Dragon ball
Dragon ball GT, siamo tutti qui
Non c'è un drago più super di cosi
Dragon ball perché ogni sfera è
La magia che risplende in te
Dragon ball GT (Dragon ball)
It's for you and me
In a world that wants really to be free (Dragon ball)
Dragon ball chissà come finirà
E alla fine chi vincerà
Segui il tuo sentiero
Sei un guerriero dragon ball
D R A G O N ball
Combatti per trovare il drago, dragon ball
Il drago delle sette sfere, dragon ball
Però nessuno sa dove sta (D R A G O N)
(D R A G O N, dragon)
Se chiudi gli occhi vedi il drago, dragon ball
E senti tutto il suo potere, dragon ball
Ma quando arrivi tu non c'è più (D R A G O N)
(D R A G O N, dragon)
Dragon ball
Bursting through the clouds
Dragon ball
Fighting on the ground
Dragon ball
Dragon ball

Cursed to hell, but hey, its part of my childhood, but seeing it again makes it feel like all was just a fever dream

The flower provoked something in me.

Can gamers at least try to be consistent when trashing games for having MTX, it feels like such random games always catch heat for it when there's much bigger offenders even among Capcom's own library (Monster Hunter World & Rise lmao)

I can at least understand people being upset over optimization (even if in my experience I've had little to no issue in the 5 hours I've played so far), but obviously the issue differs from person to person.

Game is fun tho, I'm having a blast, this really is just an improved version of the original Dragon's Dogma and I'm all for it.

"You don't have to be insane to kill someone. You just have to think you're right." - Yoko Taro, Creative director of NieR and NieR Replicant Ver.1.22.

NieR (2010) was a very depressing game: It centered around the dusk of humanity, slowly dying out to an incurable disease as monsters roamed the countryside. More often than not, the quests our hero would embark on ended in tragedy, or in one extreme case, with the game itself seemingly mocking you for being the altruistic hero expected of the genre. The party is full of misfits, outcast from society, born into unfair circumstances beyond their control. Halfway through the game, the world itself began to feel bleak. Ugly. Cynical.

NieR (2010) was a game about compassion. The world was bleak, yes, but the people in it found the will to continue because of the people around them. Our hero, who's undying love for his family drives his every action, even when the world has kicked him while he was down, until every scrap of altruism and goodwill is used to justify his violent and self-destructive actions. Our party of misfits, who find true companionship in each other, even if they are all deeply flawed individuals. The people and townsfolk who still find it in them to look out for those closest to them, even in the roughest of times. The Shades you slaughter wholesale, who may be more like the party than any of them would ever like to believe. NieR was unique in that it's condemnation of violence did not start and end with the act itself, but rather the fact that everyone has something to fight for, whether you realize it or not. The horror comes from how easy it is to dehumanize, to dissociate from the slaughter, to kill, when you truly believe you are just in your every action.

Ver.1.22 at its core, is still the same game it was 11 years ago. I felt for the characters like I did with the original, every emotional beat hit just as hard as it hit in the 2010 original, and the new story content slotted into the existing story perfectly. But I worry what Ver.1.22 means for the franchise going forward.

The characters have been dolled up and made more accurate to the original illustrations, and yet the charm of uncanny people in an uncanny world (even if it was unintentional) was lost. The combat has been made silky-smooth like Automata, with fancy lock-on and big sweeping flourishes, and yet the heavy, brutal nature and weight of the original's combat that really sold the impact and viscera has been lost for the sake of flashy extravagance. The soundtrack has been souped up with more instruments, additional passages and a cinematic flair, and yet the original's sense of aggression, quiet and intimacy have been lost (looking at you "Shadowlord"). NieR was admittedly rough around the edges, and not every change was bad necessarily, but NieR has been made to conform to its much more successful younger sibling Automata, and in doing so, has lost some of it's original edge and feel. It's the Yakuza Kiwami to Automata's Yakuza Zero.

Ver.1.22 is no Demon Souls' (PS5), it's no Silent Hill HD Collection, it's no Conker Live & Reloaded. It's still a fantastic game, and a great way to enjoy the story of NieR and its characters. But in our era of re-releases and remasters, we're so blinded by the ideal of progress that we seem to be losing sight of what made our games unique in the first place.

I don't get it why do keep getting game over screen everytime I nuke Israeli & UK I'm doing the world a favor here