geo stelar is GOAT, rawest 5th grader i know

Fact: 90% of Void Stranger players quit right before they're about to get the final ending for real

I would like to give a standing ovation to whoever designed the water dungeon

reviews are going so fast nobody will notice im gay

stay in dark chips dont do school

gamefreak fr just chose to stop their streak of banger remakes

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Nintendo has done it yet again. Floating hands as the final boss. Truly fascinating, remarkable, and innovative in every sense of the word. Gone are the days of the giant Bowser boss fights, for Nintendo has flipped the gaming industry 360 degrees with this "brand new", "never-before-seen" boss design. Can't wait to see what else Nintendo has in store for us in the years to come.

me spending $1500 on kirby badges vs me spending $60 on food for my children

Fun game! To get the authentic experience, you have to scour online japanese marketplaces for a battle chip gate and give some guy $1000+ USD for his entire battle chip collection. It's just like the games where you have to spend thousands and thousands of zenny for battle chips! Life imitates art.

made me actually check the digital manual i thought that was p cool


great googly moogly this game is peak, can't wait for red ash!