found out recently that the writer of this game went on to direct bayonetta 3. yusuke miyata I applaud you for being gaming's funniest terrorist

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one of the most insane endings I have had the pleasure of seeing. the party advocates for same-race love between max and the princess, upsetting sarah, an elf girl, to the point of storming out of the castle.

kazin, who is the same race as her yet has no chemistry with her whatsoever, intervenes and says "don't worry guys.......I can change her," proceeding to follow her. the entire party claps and max gets to kiss the princess, who I would generously say gets up to 10 minutes of screentime in the story.

i'm exaggerating this classic tropey ending like my life depends on it but it's the one aspect of this game's story that has me obsessed. I don't even dislike it, I just find the implications so fucking funny.

this game is like what my presumed idea of killer7 was before playing it

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yo what if Professor Layton and the Curious Village (2007) was fucked up?

rouge and blaze's joint slay was insane

hot take but the portraits in this game are funny and fit the game tonally. dmitiri and dario simply don't deserve that ayami kojima swag.

a game i will never be good at but ooooooooo the music and the aesthetic ooooooooooo



moaned every time tokiko was on-screen

white women win in this and that is deeply upsetting

the true layton experience is getting bumrushed by the wildest twist imaginable and being immediately handed a puzzle that takes you an hour to solve all while processing that information you learned

you can play as cream driving a hang-on motorbike while hang-on music plays in the background so it's a S-tier video game

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bro this is the secret klonoa sequel

currently crying because once again I’m not immune to games with cozy children’s anime vibes


I can't name any other character who deserves pussy less than Daxter.