32 reviews liked by Dakulik12

I see Ultimate as an "Avengers: Endgame" of sorts: The culmination of a franchise, every single character is here, the massive amount of hype it created and the high expectations that are for the most part me. It all ends up leaving you with a "Where the hell are they gonna go from here now?" type of thought and just like the MCU after Endgame, the room is potentially pretty open for dissapointment.

Where do I even begin with how much I love this game. Despite not playing online, I can burn hours just fighting random spirits in spirit board. And the roster is perfect, wouldn't change a thing. Music library is stellar. Plus it's what got me into Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem, which is cool!

Sometime in 2023 a development team played Lethal Company and said, “I like this but I wish we could kind of just fuck around.” Such was the conception of Content Warning.

Very silly and fun with a group of friends. Not much deeper than that as far as I can tell.

There is a subtype of games when your entire gameplay in the game consists of reading the text and making choices that matter and influence the further game. It seems like nothing special, but after playing this particular project, the game involuntarily forces you to pray to the deity of a nuclear explosion, for the sake of one more ration of tomato soup.

The game has several modes, but the main one is "APOCALYPSE". Inside we have two parts of the game, a short introduction, and the main one. In the short one, we collect everything that we may need in the future in our desperate sitting in the bunker, and the main one takes place in the bunker and we make basic decisions, distribute food, water among our family members (some of them, at your request, may not be take with you to the bunker), as well as who will go explore the surrounding areas in search of supplies. The game has a shaky balance and is designed for strong randomness and memorizing combinations of effective things during certain events, which almost always happen. The party does not always end in victory; it can be said relatively that if you do not know some of the subtleties of the distribution of food and water, these resources will be wasted and the characters in the game will eventually die. Damn... there are so many first aid kits in this game.

Finally, the sound and music are quite well designed, you get the feeling that you really are in an ancient bunker that is about to collapse. The game will greatly appeal to fans of the survival genre; to others, I can recommend this indie game as an experiment; it won’t captivate you for very long, but it will leave your impressions.

Есть такой подтип игр, когда весь твой геймплей в игре, состоит из прочтения текста и выбора, который имеет значение и влияет на дальнейшую игру. Вроде ничего особенного, но поиграв именно в этот проект, игра невольно заставляет молится божеству ядерного взрыва, ради еще одного пайка томатного супа.

Игра имеет несколько режимов, но основной является "АПОКАЛИПСИС". Внутри у нас ждет две части игры, короткое вступление, и основная. В короткой мы собираем все, что может нам понадобится в дальнейшем в нашем отчаянном сидении в бункере и основная, как раз проходит в бункере и мы принимаем основные решения, распределяем еду, воду между нашими членами семьи(некоторых из них по вашему желанию можно и не брать с собой в бункер), а так же кто пойдет исследовать ближайшие округи в поисках припасов. Игра имеет шаткий баланс и рассчитан на крепкий рандом и запоминания комбинаций эффективных вещей в определенные ивенты, которые практически всегда, да и происходят. Партия не всегда заканчивается победой, можно относительно сказать, что если не знать некоторые тонкости распределения еды и воды, эти ресурсы будут потрачены зря и персонажи игры в итоге умрут. Черт.. и как же не хватает аптечек в этой игре.

Напоследок, звук и музыка достаточно хорошо проработаны, ощущение, что ты и вправду находишься в древнем бункере, который вот-вот и развалится. Игра сильно понравится любителям жанра выживание, остальным могу порекомендовать эту инди игру как эксперимент, особо долго она не увлечет, но свои впечатления оставит.

Janky, silly, stupid and with laughable story and acting. This game sucks. And I really like it for that. More than I should, probably, but it does well on charm, OST and overall personality. The PS1 graphics help on setting the weird tone too. I totally get why this was a hit. 2 addendums, Jill > Chris. Also fuck them Hunter α bitch-ass monsters.

at first i thought that id waaay behind the first one. but after playing i really enjoyed it

For me the perfect middle between an assassins creed and an rpg. The stealth gameplay makes so much fun and the world is so fascinating. The tale of bayek and the origin of the assassins is epic told. Just a great experience

I’ve rarely experienced such an emotional ride in my life. This tale of Joel und Ellie goes so deep. Ist a tale about not giving up and friendship. If ever someone asks me for a masterpiece in gaming, that’s one of my answers. Perfect.

So I would say, that’s what a perfect game has to be. It a giant and the most detailed open world, I’ve ever experienced in my gaming career. The story is just stunning and every mission is perfect for the drama. It’s fascinating how the story goes in from chapter to chapter until the great final. All the characters feel so real. It’s just a perfect game and a must have for every gamer