I'm sure some people would call the gameplay of Mirror's Edge ground breaking or at the very least unique in the gaming world. I call it badly implemented, infuriating and the opposite of fun. But that's just me. To think I used to play the demo of this game over and over before owning it. Now i will never touch it again mark my words

Non-Lethal run

I don't often regret the time I spend with a game, in my book as long as you're having fun or a sense of achievement with the more challenging games, that's time we'll spent. But DA: Inquisitions stilted and awkward presentation for a game from 2014, boring and archaic combat systems that I tired of too quickly, unlikeable cast of characters and in the end abrupt ending lead me to feel like I shouldn't have spent SO much time with game. Exactly why I left it unfinished just before the final mission for so long. I couldn't find myself to sit down and play any more. Until tonight

An initial frustrating experience with what seemed like aim bot level A.I. turned into a challengingly fun experience once I started playing the game as, not any old third-person shooter, but as Max Payne 3. Look forward to playing through the game again someday if just to experience to story again. Great writing.


How does a game in this day and age have achievement unlock issues? Especially 7 years after release that still aren't patched. No achievement unlocks for beating the final boss, beating the game and some miscellaneous unlock ones too eg runes. Bloody Bethesda.

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An enjoyable game with a fun premise and excellent voice acting by the two leads. However the game is let down by handholding through any possible interesting discoveries, a disappointing conclusion to the story both in being shown how to end all visionaries and the final moments and the main reasoning for the low score is this: there is absolutely no incentive to think methodically on how to take down enemies or to take a stealthy approach. Due to powers and unintelligent AI, every single encounter can be accomplished by running and gunning or revealing yourself and leading every enemy to a corridor for you to gun them down one by one. I don't exaggerate when I say this worked every single time. I would actually love a sequel to improve on the fun premise and setting, but Deathloop left me aching for more planning and investigation on my part (you are pointed to every hint by a waypoint) and in the end left me kind of empty from the experience. Sorry Colt, you were awesome.

Claire 2nd Scenario
Rating: S