A classic beat-em-up. Good music and recognizable characters from a newgrounds fondly remembered. Easy to get into and four-player online co-op makes it a no brainer if you enjoy a fun multiplayer experience.

Harvest Moon fans own this game already.

A very engaging and fulfilling farming game with high replayability with the various crops, slight story variations, and posibility for advancement in your farm design based on map selected and how quickly you want to complete the requirements for your farm. Good moding community and multiplayer adds chaos to an already enjoyable and complete single player expereince.

Highly recommended.

Zombie horde FPS with several classes to select from and expand upon due to each class having its own leveling system. Gunplay is engaging and multiplayer is fluid and assists in managing the difficulty. No story or progression outside of class system so content is repetitive and can be annoying for those who don't enjoy horde style gameplay. This is also due to the leveling system being very painfully slow. Workshop is varied and provides new expereinces if the base game loses its luster.

Only recommended for those that enjoy horde style shooting and slow progression.

Chibi beat-em-up with a variety of characters designed around replayability and coop in mind. Phanton Breaker Battlegrounds avoids it's predecesor by only maintaining the name and focuses on the endless hordes of enemies to your mercy. The combat is very enjoyable and fluid (except on nightmare) and allows you to become a machine as you level up and evolve your character throughout the one hour campaign. This game is a treat to play on occasions due to it's engaging combat that encourages chaining combos from enemy to enemy and building your meter to focus on tougher enemies.

My main griped with this game are the PVP and Nightmare difficulty entirely. PVP is lame and unintuitive due to the poor balancing in neutral. It becomes a spam fest of ranged moves, prioritizing meter over neutral, and camping on other lanes. However, it such a small part of the game that it can mostly be ignored. Nightmare mode cannot; the hardest difficulty varies wildly from pissingly easy to unnecessarily hard due to super armor and the player's block being completely ignored. Nightmare mode can be enjoyed through enough effort of understanding the mechanics, but Hard is a much better balanced mode over all especially against the bosses whose meter charges significantly faster than the player's and they will not hesistate to use it at any opportunity.

The music and visuals are swell and varied. All the characters are animated very well with many expressions and details in their moves making it very sastifying to fight the enemies. Besides Demonsphere, every stage is distinct and enjoyable. As a single player experience I can reccomend this game up to Nightmare and that's ignoring the Co-op capabilities. Phantom Breaker: Battle Ground is good.

>muh asstetick

Slipstream is a racing game that aims to emulate classic arcade-style racing of the early 90s such as Daytona USA and Outrun. However, rather than emulating the physics or style, it aims to recreate the feeling of those earlier titles and emulates the racing from the Initial D by heavy emphasis on drifting. The game places a large emphasis on speed and momentum throughout the race and it shows by long tracks with wide one-way roads. Unfortunately, the driving never explores beyond the simple 30-45 degree turns that last 3 seconds and limits the variety of possible tracks due to lack of a track creator..

Amazing soundtrack that remains both consistent in quality and never grows badly over playing, the game allows for easy to control racing that enables the player to complete the game at their own pace by either solely enjoying the various environment of each of the races or going deep into the leaderboards by mastering the slipstream mechanic. The Slipstream feels clunky when paired with the physics of the car (especially with the Lynx), but is very satisfying when it works as inteded racing at high speeds extending between cars and closely avoiding crashing.

While the physics and controls leave much to be desired, the overall experience is too enjoyable to be forgotten nor ignored. Definitely a strong recommendation for people looking for a chill driving experience or muh vaporwave crowd. However, non-arcade style racing fans, arcade traditionalists, or people looking for a deep driving mechanics/expression won't find much enjoyment with Slipstream.

Chibi beat-em-up with a variety of characters designed around replayability and coop in mind. Phanton Breaker Battlegrounds avoids it's predecesor by only maintaining the name and focuses on the endless hordes of enemies to your mercy. The combat is very enjoyable and fluid (except on nightmare) and allows you to become a machine as you level up and evolve your character throughout the one hour campaign. This game is a treat to play on occasions due to it's engaging combat that encourages chaining combos from enemy to enemy and building your meter to focus on tougher enemies.

My main griped with this game are the PVP and Nightmare difficulty entirely. PVP is lame and unintuitive due to the poor balancing in neutral. It becomes a spam fest of ranged moves, prioritizing meter over neutral, and camping on other lanes. However, it such a small part of the game that it can mostly be ignored. Nightmare mode cannot; the hardest difficulty varies wildly from pissingly easy to unnecessarily hard due to super armor and the player's block being completely ignored. Nightmare mode can be enjoyed through enough effort of understanding the mechanics, but Hard is a much better balanced mode over all especially against the bosses whose meter charges significantly faster than the player's and they will not hesistate to use it at any opportunity.

The music and visuals are swell and varied. All the characters are animated very well with many expressions and details in their moves making it very sastifying to fight the enemies. Besides Demonsphere, every stage is distinct and enjoyable. As a single player experience I can reccomend this game up to Nightmare and that's ignoring the Co-op capabilities. Phantom Breaker: Battle Ground is good.

Sidescrolling shmup with boring enemies and repetitive combat. The game starts easy and gets progressively easier with dodging and improved weapons to the point where the difficulty comes from bullet sponge enemies which can be ignored if you don't care for leveling all the weapons. Some of the best levels are the end challenge levels that are never replicated in the rest of the game. It doesn't help that none of the weapons feel sastifying to use due to lack of audio punch or damage even at max level.

Story is fine but the cutscenes for leveling and with Lucas disrupt the gameplay to a severe extent. Music and visuals are appealing but some background get repeated making the later levels feel less unique. As a result the game becomes repetitive very quickly and the insta-kill zones in the later levels do not help the situation. Cally's Caves 2 doesn't engage the player and becomes a chore to complete.

I do not recommend playing the game.

Easily one of the best cinematic experience I've had the pleasure of having regarding the Three Kingdoms Era of 3rd Century China. My first formal experience with Dynasty Warriors and this is a great start.

My main gripe is you auto start with stupid strong weapons due to having all the DLC but it's w/e.

♥♥♥♥ SUN QUAN.

This is a good re-imagining that replicates the original but does NOT replace it. I enjoyed the game and was able to 100% ingame with little trouble but it was not an improved experience.

There are a lot of issues regarding your hp, the redone combat, camera, missing sound effects, and more that all result in a game that plays differently from the original and not in a good way. If you haven't played the original and want to purchase a copy to play, I recommend buying the original if you have a console. if you enjoyed the original, you will enjoy this one but feel like something is missing.

The horde mode multiplayer is dog, buy for the singleplayer.

Either I die in the first 5 minutes or I play a three hour atari game and it crashes
great game don't buy.

Divinity 2 Original Sin Devinitive Edition is a great recreation of the fantasy Tabletop RPG genre.

The characters are diverse and interesting with excellent music, fun spells/abilities, and the box art characters are charasmatic and fun to play with. Most of the game is extremely enjoyable to play and experience multiple times over with various methods of play and exploration to uncover. Add an amazing custom campaign and mod support, this is a must play for anyone who enjoys tactical fantasy RPGs.

The main story is an incredible, intense thrill ride for three acts as you journey around the world to achieve godhood and become the most powerful people in the realm.

Then you hit Act 4. After 10 hours, 3 ibuprofine bottles, and enough respecs to make Path of Exile scared ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, you'll most likely end up quiting the game before actually finishing the primary story. Sorry I could go on but "Persuassion check failed! Rolled: 0 Need: 5" for a stat you have 50+ in lone wolf but sorry can't have you speccing into other personality trees. Enjoy your unnecessary combats that will require more reloads than a dolphin TAS. Hope you saved recently cause if not the autosave last procced when you left Fort Joy so better gear up and get ready to play through the pain all over again.

Play up to the start of Act 4/Arx and either buy a shotgun, play custom modules, or RMA your install drive.

Good soundtrack and some of the uses of the hole are quite creative.

Extremely short-live, linear, and the uses of the hole aren't varied. I would not recommend if you are expecting something similar to a Katamari game.


This a great game and if you're looking for cyberpunk adventure games I'd put this on your wishlist.

A 2D adventure RPG game centered around hacking the cyberspace to evade capture by an "evil" corporation. You can go guns blazing, fist to fist, or full stealth mode depending on your augments and which path you take. The maps are surprisingly open with lots of pathways to follow for solving problems. The writing is well done and although the plot is simple its executed well. Art is a subjective topic but I can say its very consistent and well done.

My only gripe is combat can be brute forced very easily. If you've played Deus Ex, Dishondered, Akrham Knight, etc. you know what I mean. If not, at a certain point of upgrades you become God and encounters are one-sided even as enemies improve. Its consistent with the narrative but if you're expecting scaling like in Thief or Prey (2016) you may be disappointed.

After watching an Oregon bearded hipster living in Texas making a video on this game I've been hooked.

A highlight real of all the top arcade machines and games that you can think of along with a variety of prizes and attractions to boot. This is a passion project with as much love as skill and I can't say enough good things about this game. Survival mode may feel flat due to its repetition, but I can always play birthday mode and go wild. A must buy if you want an authentic arcade experience at home with the benefit of winning most games.

Final Edit: Can recommend. Fun game but drags on in the last third. Controller support is extremely inconsistent and quest/key item bugs are still frequent. Expect to reload often.

Edit: The game has been patched fixing most of these issues. The game itself is very enjoyable so I will be changing my review accordingly. I'll return once I've completed the game.

Noticably buggy. had UI softlock, HUD disappear, combat lock-on issues, enemies attacking after dying, quest progress improperly, enemies despawn, etc.

m&kb controls are clunky (especially UI) and I've had issues with controller support consistency

gamplay and story so far is solid but this game needs cleanup bad