174 Reviews liked by Darklink1215

this is some hella charming shit, but I can’t help but feel like it was playtested by only 1 person. The platforming mechanics just aren’t clicking for me, some moves straight up don’t register when and how you expect them to. levels are structured for speedrunning, but 50% of the time the big segments don’t hit correctly and/or u run into walls because of a lack of direction.

Other than that, a charming technical achievement made by a small indie team on their own fucking game engine, word.

Edit: I’m 8 worlds into the game now and nah this shit is infuriating, too many bugs and inconsistencies with the platforming. Some bosses are also just completely unfair (the pool table and magnet ones). Putting this down until they fix it, Christ.

I clocked more than 5000 hours in the old THPS games so this was calling me, however the roguelite combat mixed with Tony Hawk skateboarding doesn’t really jell with each other here. Also, holy HELL this is VERY early access, with quite misleading game trailers showcasing a more complete-looking game. It left me pissed when I bought it and saw what we actually got:

The game requires you to heavily focus on dodging enemies (with some smaller enemies who don't give much indication that they're attacking) while still maintaining a clean combo and nailing some tricks for attack boosts, but you end up rubbing up against them/taking damage as you can’t really stop moving in a certain direction quickly besides dashing, which is on a cooldown. The grinding snake enemy specifically is a pain here, you can't even jump on the thing to grind it without injuring yourself 90% of the time due to the hitbox for it's spikes on the sides. The first boss is almost unbeatable due to randomly hopping off the back of the enemy while grinding and taking damage from the goo beneath it, it’s a mess.

And even with combat being so punishing, there are BARELY any health pickups, with a max health stat boost you can pick at the end of levels that doesn't even heal you one bit.

The skateboarding though? It's almost peak, it feels almost identical to THPS and if you've played those games, you're right at home, but the problem I find is I find myself skating around and busting out fat combos more than I am actually playing the game as intended, which I think is a problem. Also, some places that should be grindable just aren’t, and keeping your combo when coming down a half-pipe is super difficult. AFAIK there’s a revert in the game, but it’s hard to pull off easily.

The gameplay feels very split. On the one hand you're battling enemies, but then you spend long stretches skating around the map to collect all the letters, hit all the camera crows, get high scores and do side-challenges that it ends up feeling so disconnected. After spending less than maybe 1 minute on actually engaging in combat and rogue-lite goodies, you're just playing a tony hawk game, wandering around an empty map for secrets.

I understand it's in early access, but this feels VERY early access. We have full cutscenes replaced with text boxes for the devs as placeholders, random dialogue boxes appearing on screen for no reason, full maps missing textures and assets, clipping out of bounds constantly, and some of the side minigames not even working when initiating them, effectively soft locking my run.

I'm still giving this a thumbs up because the devs have something here, and I think with time they'll iron things out and this could turn into something awesome. I won't be refunding it, my moneys in and I'm invested in this, but I’m still pissed about the rather misleading gameplay trailers that we got before release. It doesn’t even compare to the mess we bought with our wallets.

"anyone need ammo?"
"ships landing DONT LET IT CRUSH YOU"
"equip grenade launcher and light armor dumbass it's meta"
"stop fucking teamkilling"
"yo lets run a kill mission then reset campaign, ez money fuck everyone else right"
"hol up my game crashed"
"lets try helldive we can do it"
"characters so fat, already out of stamina wtf"
"i'll nade the automator dw"

goofy ass fun for the time i played it, what other game lets u send animals into the sky with balloons n shit, cmon

yep definitely a gamepass game cuz i aint touchin it again, was fun for 2 hours lol

at no point in my life did i think i'd be able to play scarily good recreations of real video games for free, and just, no one bats an eye

>Drop into Malevelon Creek
>Immediately get shelled by mortars
>Look to the left and see one of your buddies step on a landmine, look to your right and see 4 chainsaw-wielding robots hunting you down
>The air gets covered in a thick smoke due to gunfire and explosions occurring every .5 seconds
>The trees start speaking binary

Yeah I would say this is a pretty fun game

bricked my steam deck twice, tried on my pc and gave me a fucking bluescreen

games aren’t supposed to do that, right

epic gave me this game for free and I still don’t give a shit

shit like this is what we shoulda got when the game first came out. I know ur gonna say “just replay it” but nah, I don’t wanna dude. This went hard, now I’m done and satisfied. Goodnight sweet prince, thank u for leaving on a positive note.

Best expansion to date.

ppl calling it “too basic” forget I have goopy goblin brain. This is a video game, I don’t wanna change gears and watch my speed for turns. I WANNA GO FAST WHILE I EAT FUCKIN CHEETOS DAWG.

Graphics are also pretty.

the goopy vampire survivors lobe of my brain has activated, it likes this

if you came here for balls, this game gives a lot of balls, and the balls move fast when you tell them too. i love balls.

a somewhat charming but janky platformer that brings u on a pretty sweet ass adventure, just to say fuck you in the end.

between the sometimes awful level design, bad map navigation, and random difficulty spikes, the charm and character are here but just like the office space in the game itself, it’s lacking something in every department.

didn't beat it and probably won't, but fuck it's kinda funny