Without the steam workshop this game is pretty good. But once you start modding it, holy shit I dont remember having more fun playing a game with friends. Ngl this is the goat party game

Lowkey its a bunch of grinding, but its so funny with a lot of charm that it always keeps you engaged. Really great overall

Risk of peak returns. Really fucking good but the maps are way too big man. Gets on my nerves sometimes

So much fun. Anyone yapping about anything more is doing too much

I don't think I was smart enough to understand this game when I was younger

It was addicting, but looking back at it now, the gameplay was alright. Its just animal crossing mixed with gungeon

Worth playing. It doesn't overextend its stay, and it does it's job

I feel like im supposed to like it, but its lowkey cheeks

Great concept and art, but its way too easy and lacking content

If anyone else other than these weirdos wrote the story this could have legit gone down as one of the coolest games ever


Idk if I haven't dug deep enough yet but it seems too unreasonably difficult to have a good time. I don't think stepping on a random pixel that kills you is anything deeper than it actually is

This the type of game that I'm waiting till I have dementia for so that I can experience it fresh again


Not polished but this game needs more recognition for the affects it had on gaming. I'm aware why it left a bad taste in everyone's mouth but not warranted

Looks cooler and acts more complex than it actually is. Its all a big cover up for MID