I wish I had liked this game more, but the gameplay was struggling to force myself through sometimes. I'll replay it one day with another mindset


Its way too hard and then becomes way too easy for some reason. AI is predictable but gunplay is probably the best out of any game I've played

Well executed fun little game, but I didn't expect the effect the narrator would have on my life by the end

Atmosphere was peak vibes. Gameplay was decent nothing crazy

This game should actually be good asf but they made it as hard as possible to like

This shits funny. Makes me feel like a kid for an hour until its a rage inducing platformer

The most unique, fascinating game I've ever played. Will forever go down as one of my favorites for its charm and beauty

Atmosphere is memorable, but game play is just alright. Worth playing

Gunplay is as good as ever but the story is so bad, couldn't care less about any of the characters.

Perfect in every way. Gameplay, music, message. The last screen of farewell was probably the most difficult and amazing thing I've ever done in a video game and will always remember it

Actually ruined my childhood. Was so hyped for this

Funny asf, just play it. Anybody complaining about gameplay in these reviews is an idiot