The Looney Tunes Metal gear solid: A great game, is the soul of the show translated into a game. Nearly perfect in every aspect, even as an adult still has enourmous value

At the moment ('cause is early acces) noting new to the hyper saturated RPG maker horror game world, but at the least it works, nothing to complain

Despite looking like your typical generic waifu simulator is surprisingly a really good game, it's doesn't have the best begining or even intro... but please believe me. Its only lack was not having a hard mode for the NG+, 'cause the only way to get the good ending in your first run is doing a mistake that experienced gamers wouldn't do it XD

Just play the Pre-renewal servers, they really screwed up the game afterwards

In terms of gameplay is for far the peak of the PSx trilogy, they learned from their mistakes at the previous game and improve every single aspects of it. Only lacks in history because is too generic and it doesn't have the magic of the first one, BUT WHO CARES, THE GIANT ROBOT MAKES PIUM PIUM AND IT FEELS GOOD

This game tells you that there's an option to import your save from the first game, but that's a lie.... Isn't an option, it's a must 'cause is almost imposible to finish withouth it and you would get your ass wipe out of the existence at the new arena mode

Despite of that is a good experiment for what was going to be the next game and the story take a more personal approach... not sure how to feel about your Jerid Messa rival

Just like a John Ricitello's wet dream you will be charged for the ammunition spent... is a really immersive way to put you in a corporate distopia, the storytelling also take this aproach at not telling you directly the things 'cause you're just a random mercenary, also the heavy controls are a plus 'cause you're moving a heavy dull mecha.

Is incredible how From Software put the efort to make feel this game real... Still a must play game nowadays

This isn't just a game, is an experience. Is my personal GOTY of this year, I highly advice you to play this game blindy, the gameplays of youtube would ruin your personal experience

Isn't a bad game, maybe too short, but it has good controls for the time and the plot/characters are also ok. May the mistery is too exploited 'cause for beign already used in other media and the render distance sometimes is too short, but aren't at the level of being killing game flaws

May the game was already "old" for when got released, may the game lack of interaction with objects, may have some soft resset bugs and may the combat system is even more clumsy than the first Silent Hill ... but the atmosphere, the mistery and the concept is fucking amazing. A modern adaptation of this game would impact heavily the videogame industry.

Kinda dissapointed for me, a backstep in gameplay and writting but a good end for the main plot and a great improvement in visual horror due to the technologial advance

The changes were the necesary fresh air the saga needed and I loved them. But this game could turn really frustating, so don't be ashamed for not playing it in hard mode

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Pos dejando unas cosas estúpidas (Como el hecho de que nunca tomaran las armas de los soldados muertos), el juego esta OK. Igual me sigue dando risa la elección del nombre PACHAMAMA, si bien se entiende por su significado, pero es gracioso por el significado sexual que se le da en su uso coloquial XD

Really stupid save points and it was full of bugs, this game was broken

I really loved this game and it has a lot of potential