After 7 years since I first played it at an arcade and 4 years of casually enjoying it in the context of being a game I always keep on my Nintendo switch, I found myself at a NeoGeo arcade cabinet again with “Metal Slug X” and I gotta say yeah this is definitively one of the best arcade games ever and it says enough it was THE game for me to start catching the SNK logo wherever I go

Sadly this is the only Paper Mario game I’ve currently fully played at the time of writing this (this will change by the end of the year I hope)

Incredibly gimmicky with none of the humor found in Super Mario RPG or the Mario & Luigi games, it feels like a culmination of my issues with Nintendo that plagued their lineup in the Wii U era with gimmicks and nothing else.

Tears of the Kingdom prequel on the Zelda timeline (Log stacking branch in the timeline)

I like Sudoku, I like giant heads that tell me stuff, and I like drawing

yes I did play this a lot as a kid how did you know

The perfect-ish middle ground between A Link to the Past and the first Zelda.

Everything is compact enough to where it doesn't overstay it's welcome but also there are very visible points to inspire curiosity to explore later

Not gonna pretend like I was going to arcades all the time as a kid but suspiciously when this one started showing up around the ones I’d go to every light gun game just started disappearing and it’s kind of bad when your main gimmick is idk blowing air at me and seeing that I definitely did have too much caffeine in my bloodstream

The lovingly fan-made follow-up to Dragon Quest 3 (also Game Freak really carried the game boy wow)

The first video game I ever saw flop on its face on release because it failed all expectations (including my own!) but also I'm not gonna pretend like it hasn't bordered on being about as fun as playing something like a mediocre lightgun game with friends except with the added help of dumb PS3-era stuff happening

When technological investment and artistic endeavors converge to push people through the "yes a video game can make you emotional and feel things like a movie" door

Deep into a mountain cave me and two little dudes are climbing up, awaiting the beast that greets us at the top of the thunderous dungeon.

Through managing our resources, overcoming foes, and befriending one extra little dude we find ourselves at the top of the supposed wretched home of the thunder bird, Zapdos

We battle for a long time, throwing rocks and blows with the demonic aerial fiend while losing one of my men.

As soon as one final quick attack hits he fades away, me and my partner stand, the beast has fallen.

My DS then fades into black and crashes making screeching noises at me for 2 minutes and I proceed to laugh my ass off

Says enough that I remember small quests/lines like "The world is square" 8 years later

I've had numerous hours spent having fun with just the Luigi's Mansion co-op game but also

"What do you play? The Wii U? insert laughter"
-Guy from my high school when I mentioned not having a ps4 2015

A sunday morning before school back when going to school was that thing you had to do in your life: the video game

I had the fortunate opportunity to have a college campus with Capcom vs SNK 2 and Street Fighter 3 arcade cabinets so I just wanna put that up front as I state that this game very much at its core feels like a good presentation and realization of the gameplay concept of a crossover.

There’s a celebration of arcade games in general with weird/interesting cutscenes, the art style changes based on your style, and a roster with very stripped down move sets that allow for a simple way to keep coming back and mastering the mechanics.

While I think the sequel fleshed out said mechanics, there’s an evident initial burst of love for Capcom and SNK as companies that made arcade games and the hype/presentation here with that crossover honestly is about as good as (and sometimes better than) what you even get with most Smash Bros games