Blowing up stuff to bits
A fun 3rd person shooter rougelite game with neat music at first, but then gets very repetitive after a few runs. The multiplayer is in a style of party modes which is fun, but good luck finding anyone there i'm afraid.

One Big Pac
A neat collection of pac-man games, although not 1:1 functionality but still fun. Also making your arcade is a neat side thing too

Crashing through the wall
Brilliant game to play casually... Horribly difficult for Completionists; but still a great challenge and a great return for the series

I came, I saw
A fun challenging game with secrets and skill testing to be found. With each room comes a new challenge requiring you to change up your playstyle to survive as long as you can.

Mouse Trap
Fun..... Seems most of what this game cares about is taking your money rather than giving fun. Dangling the cheese in front of you hoping to catch a bite or 2... or 1 million of them. The game can be fun but the way it's built I don't see it lasting long.

This hand's a bust
Was fun for a bit til I kept running into the same copy and paste decks....

Galactic Ventures
Bit of a basic gameplay style but I love the dynamic characters and story, kept me going through... also the music... aaaaa. It's so hype and motivating.

A Sweet Treat
Is it a bug? Is it a snack? Game is a fun casual critter hunting game, fill your journal and catch them all with your arsenal of gadgets while helping the locals with their requests and uncover the secrets of Snacktooth island.

Falling out
Eh, I got this hoping to just ignore the starting arguments of it having no npc's to make it more explorative focused but as I played for longer and longer, it just felt like the same thing on an never ending chore... just... eh

Beautiful but boring
I'm sorry, i just could not bring my self to be interested in playing this, after coming back to it many times, i see a lot of people really like this game though so it'd be unfair for me to rate it low just because i didn't beat the game my self. The game has a cool ATB system and a skill tree, some neat exploration but... i just couldn't keep my attention, sorry.

Out of this world
I love this game so much I got a tattoo based off of it. Whatever you do, you must go into this game blind. Starting off it will feel a bit slow but if you persist... you will find that this game has some very deep story telling and fun exploration and puzzle solving. The DLC is also a must as it brings a whole new mystery to the story that is also satisfying and emotional.

A puzzling adventure with Shovel Knight
A great Puzzle game filled with adrenaline and charm where you can play multiple characters with unique ways of how they play.

Tearing up on how special this game is
It's just Breath of the Wild but... better... the abilities feel more interactive and incorporated with the world, more to explore, Proper dungeons... yeah this is my game of the year.


Simplified DnD
I really like this game and look forward to what new content it will add in the future, if any. It's like a take on DnD but simplified for around a 3 hour session for a campaign which consists 3 levels with a boss waiting on the 3rd. Currently 7 classes to play as and using a deck of cards unique to that class to perform actions within your turn to progress through the game.


A basic launch title
Average Close quarters combat platforming game that I always finds a soft spot in me despite its flaws.