65 Reviews liked by DespicableCHUD

Genuinely don't see what other people see in this game, it's really bad.

The gameplay in clunky and repetitive, the ui is terrible, the controls make no sense, the dialogue is unbelievably cringy, the voice acting grates me, the graphics are dull, the progression is poorly paced, the story is nonsensical, it's constantly unclear what to do and yet they still have constant pop-ups telling you what a map is.

There is zero fun or joy to be had here, play something else.



A truly bizarre experience. The cat's spot-on mannerisms and behaviors can't overcome its dead-eyed, uncanny-valley expressions, nor can its initial charms last in a narrative driven almost exclusively by the cat's companion. I ultimately felt nothing for The Cat as it is little more than a conveyance for the true soul of the story; it was like playing The Witcher as Roach.

Maybe the best video game ever made?

I honestly felt lackluster. The game felt kinda clunky and the characters weren't that interesting imo, which was kinda sad. The only one who actually was, for me, wasn't a weapon (yet) so... eh.

I'll probably come back when Jonah's update come.