An incredibly addictive game that has you conquering land and building bases that you will manage to craft resources. You will never feel like you have the upper hand due to late game cavalry charges that will ruin your day, this is a good thing. There are dead rising-esque boss enounters across the map and a versatile armory/skill system that gives you a variety of ways to play. This also includes an light RTS war party option where you bring your warriors in on the fun. Also every savefile can send equipment/resources to others meaning you can use a prior game to help your next run.

I don't understand why I love this so much, it's basically everything about the Ubisoft formula that sucks but done right. No story but with gameplay this good you don't need it.

To those who say devs abandoned the game, I get it. I would love to see more content eventually but as is this is a content complete game that can be enjoyed over multiple playthroughs.

Wow, I really enjoyed this game! It has a light Metroid flourish
with the abilities you unlock giving you access to new routes in previously beaten stages that unlock new levels. The power progression is sick, by the end of this game you will fly like an eagle and dive like a dolphin.

I rarely felt lost in a level or about where to go next and enjoyed the enemy types. It's wild that this is not mentioned in the same breath as other build engine games. Admittedly, the original was locked to consoles with the pc release being a standard shooter, but this new version by night dive proves it's more than deserving of a playthrough.


There's a lot to like about Blood. It has excellent level design and aesthetics. I specifically remember one moment where I left ammo at the beginning of a level and wanted to go back then found a secret wall that left me exactly where I wanted to go. The weapons are also unique, how many games are there that give you dynamite and a flare gun as your starting weapons?

Unfortunately, Blood is a very flawed game. The enemies are either annoying or too easy to fight. There are flying gargoyles that cannot hit you if you just press the crouch button. Then you have the hit scanning cultists that will melt your health bar with guns and dynamite. The Thompson gun, a crappy firearm in your armory is a certified death dealer in their hands. Enemy placement is more akin to a tactical shooter than a boomer shooter. I hate how the enemies are placed in corners of the room which requires you to memorize enemy placements through trial and error.

This is a great Halloween game and I see why people love it so much but compared to a peer like powerslave, Blood is an inferior shooter.

A platformer with creative stages and good control. Relatively easy with optional side goals to turn up the difficulty. One frustration was facing the final boss without being able to skip their intro cinematic, I died a few times learning the patterns. A nice choice for someone looking for a well-designed 2D platformer.

Played this with the Re:Driver source port for pc. It fixes the performance issues but not the design flaws. Driver 1 had its tough spots but there are missions in this game that force you to restart if the car you're chasing goes in a certain direction. You just can't catch up. Overall, a lesser sequel to an excellent game.

Replayed this not too long ago after my first playthrough in 2019. There is no nostalgia when I say this, one of the best feeling driving games of all time. It focuses on the era of the boat sized American car and makes sliding around a corner or narrowly avoiding traffic heart pumping. It will be a little difficult but the joy of launching off a steep San Francisco street as a cop car soars over you is unmatched.

Later missions are harder to pass than an opioid dump.

Twisted Metal meets Driver with a great licensed soundtrack. If you long for an under rated vehicular combat game and are ok with some frustrating missions you will enjoy the weapon and car variety.


Fun game. I like the Batman Arkham games but their combat can be a glorified rhythm mini game at times. Sifu takes that base and makes the parries less of an instant win. Add in some motion inputs, combo strings, and weapons then you get an exhilarating experience. There's not a lot of feelings like cleaning up a level for more lives and executing an opening section flawlessly. The bosses are a little weird, some early ones are harder than later ones, but the final boss will test your skill and bring you to your knees.

You're going to need a patch to get this game running smoothly on a modern OS. There are a few choices, but I've tried two. Kentie's launcher was slow and crashed on me, but Deus Ex community update worked flawlessly.

Surprise surprise. It's amazing. I recently played this and found the way the open-ended gameplay worked with the story to highlight the topic of personal choice and freedom especially cool. The game lets you ultimately decide what the value of agency is to you/this reality and damn it's cool.

First off, you will need to apply the trespasser CE patch to get this working on modern operating systems. You can get it at, which is a dedicated fan site for this game.

This is a unique and flawed game. The shooting is awkward, I had plenty of moments where my gun was practically in the mouth of a dinosaur and missed my shot. There are puzzles that are simply confusing and will require a lookup.

However, the physics system is a joy to play with and you'll get many chances to mess with it. The shooting system was forward looking being similar to what VR controls are today. The much-lampooned health bar on the avatar's boobs through way of a heart tattoo is actually a cool way to avoid Hud UI clogging the players screen even if you'll usually die in one hit anyway but it's really immersive. That's the way I would sum this game up, Immersive. It feels like a low poly island vacation with dinosaurs that need shooting and a story to uncover. I really enjoyed my time with this one and honestly, might give it a replay. Maybe it's not a "good" game but it entertained me more than a lot of conventionally good games have and that' has to be worth something.

TLDR: Play this game, it's worth your time.

An enjoyable third person stealth game. The open-ended level design with multiple routes to your objective is a treat to traverse and the enemy ai make for fun sneaking. The skill system didn't add a lot of depth and I wish they had nixed it or deepened what was already an enjoyable experience.

I felt happy to be done with this one. The repeated use of 3 bosses and frustrating enemy types left me exhausted. The shooting feels solid and visual feedback is great but it's far from the peak of its genre. Give it a try if you just need another boomer shooter to play.

An update of a classic I had never played. If you're looking for an "immersive sim" I would go elsewhere. This game is more similar to a metroidvania than Deus Ex, however if you're looking for a solid single player shooter, I highly recommend.