I saw the ending of Episode III here before the movie. I didn't wanna watch Episode III's ending because of how I saw it here.

My mom won't play bomberman with me anymore and it's making me sad. Is it cause I'm older and might beat her more?

I only remembered this game existed because I heard the Enter the Dragon theme on YouTube and realized Kung Fu Chaos didn't actually have an original menu theme. I seriously thought the theme belonged to Ninja Theory and that they didn't steal it from WB.

I was severely disappointed when I found out this wasn’t 3D

- Giant hecking robots ✅
- Wallrunning ✅
- Sliding ✅
- Fast movement for impatient crackheads like me ✅
- Robot waifus ✅
- Vipers ✅
- Pipes ✅
- 5x5 ✅
- Ringing in your ears ✅
- Rendy Gaming fires away in this G.100 Kraber montage ✅

Is this game on sale? Buy it. Not on sale? Buy it. Don't like FPS games? Buy it. Don't have a system to play on? Buy it.

I love my dommy mommy witch that tells me I'm a bad boy.


I played this with Caramelldansen looping in the background. My friends were very concerned.

I think this game understood the concept of love.

My mom and I would just spam E. Honda and see who would win. I think she won more because I was 4.

I think this game made me want to be a skater but my parents said no. So now I'm just a fucking poser that dresses like he hasn't left the early 2000s.

Fuck Activision.

"All you had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!"

Well all YOU had to do, was leave the fucking originals on Steam, Rockstar you stupid fucks.