Grinding is tedious, enemy coreography and patterns are both very repetitive, some bosses require you to purchase certain equipment to defeat them, and the music is alright, I guess.

U.N Squadron? more like Mid Squadron, OOOOOHHHHH.

I'm having a lot of trouble writing this review, so instead of going full-detail like I was trying to, I'll keep it as concise as I can.

This game is a massive improvement over its predecessor in every aspect. Every single thing Monster World III did wrong, Monster World IV fixes to the point where it's really hard to believe both of these games are in the same franchise.

The visuals are simply stunning, featuring some of the most impressive spritework of its generation. From the beautiful, detailed backgrounds to Asha herself, she's so full of life! The number of unique animations she has gives her so much more personality than the previous MC.

The level design of the temples is also a huge improvement, varying from okay to really good. My only complaint is that the ice piramid goes on for a bit longer than needed, but both the Water and Cloud temples completely blew me away.

Your companion is super useful this time! He will accompany you for most of the game, and he's the key to solving a vast variety of puzzles. Seeing him try his hardest to help you out made me fall in love with him really fast.

So yeah, play the hell out of Monster World IV! It's a fantastic game and easily on my Top 10 list of Mega Drive games.

Hats off to everyone who survived both diabetes and this game.

what do you mean the final boss is a giant fucking monkey

I played this game alongside its counterpart, "The Jetsons: Invasion of the Planet Pirates" and in my opinion, this one is the better game out of the two.

It not only fixes some control issues, but it also gets rid of every single annoying section, most notoriously Stages 7 and 8, which were by far the worst in that game, as well as having a more epic final shodown on the last boss.

Ruka is super cute, and the Oni head that serves as a replacement for the vacuum cleaner... I find it rather amusing. Japan never ceases to amaze me.

Very cool game; I would definitely check it out if you like strange oddities on the Super Famicom.

It saddens me to say that the best parts of the game are on level one. I believe they put all the effort there, as the latter levels are either super uninspired and short or go on forever and feature dumb, slightly unfair challenges.

The vacuum cleaner mechanic is super interesting, but it's rarely used in a creative way, which feels like a missed opportunity since the vast majority of the game revolves around it.

The music is super goofy; i kinda like it, especially Stage 3's theme. Others, like the one on Stage 4, are... not very good, though.

This game would later receive an updated version released in Japan called "Yokai Buster Ruka" which is honestly the better game. That version gets rid of Levels 7 and 8 completely, fixes some control issues, and has a better last boss battle, so there's really no reason to play this one unless you are a big fan of the show since, in favor of the game, it does manage to capture its essence with its colorful visuals.

Super short and super sweet Metroidvania that features amazing boss battles.

I can definitely tell that the Lady Bug Team are Shmups fans; I can see the Ikaruga influence on this one.

Music slaps so hard, if you are a Megaten fan, you'll enjoy the remixes of classic songs.

Significantly inferior to its predecessor, Wonder Boy in Monster World, or just "Monster World III" is a very slow-paced, repetitive, and grind-heavy adventure game that doesn't have much to offer besides some very minuscule sparks of brilliance.

That last boss battle was awful, and that ending was outright insulting.

The game looks cute, though.

5 years single and counting

Man, this was such a huge disappointment.
I dig the style; the music is absolutely fantastic, probably in the Top 10 in the Genesis catalog, but the game just refuses to cooperate.

The physics don't work; the framerate goes from 5 to 30 in the blink of an eye, and the ball just does whatever it wants. Your board does not affect it the way it's supposed to, even if you mash the B button, which's supposed to give it an extra push.

The result is a complete mess.
Also, no continues.

My disappointment is unmeasurable, and my day is ruined

The game has two very consistent bugs that will softlock you, preventing you from finishing the game.

Absolutely incredible stuff.

Celeste if the controls were absolute ass

The best for me are the bosses; their designs are just straight-up cool, and I also love how they change colors the more damage you deal to them! It's a super clever idea!

Sadly, the last two levels drag on forever and leave a bittersweet feeling, but the first stages are pretty neat.

Super cute, super fun, and super short.

Games like this heal my old heart.

I fail to see the appeal. You try out different things, resolve puzzles, and your reward after all that work is seeing how a random city gets destroyed in a 3-second cutscene or your screen turns off.
