Fun game similar flying controls to GTA V's flying controls, I enjoyed the campaign solo, played through on hardest diff, although I didn't really pay too much attention to the story because I felt its more about the gameplay than the storyline, the gameplay is fun but kinda easyish, I mean it's not super simple but no walk in the park either, once you grasp the controls you'll be flying in no time (pun intended)
Had a few run ins with players since I put it on public for the last few campaign missions and they were decent players too, I did want to get all trophies in this but the versus online mode is dead, like completely dead, not a soul in sight, I even bought a second copy to try and boost with myself but found it boring and tedious. It's a shame the versus mode is dead, it seems like it could've been fun at launch. Oh well.

Well at least the portable one was fun for 10 minutes. I legitimately couldn't for the life of me figure out what I'm supposed to be doing in this trash nes game.

Platinum #111


I love that guy Zimos is fun :)

Platinum 105, and im still not done.
I love this game, the world building the story the gameplay all perfect.

Going for 100% trophies including Multiplayer has turned out to be quite a tall order, but man am I enjoying it. I've met so many new friends while playing that I kinda don't want to stop playing.

This is the best game I've played ever.

That fucking Tyrant plane fight!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH

Platinum #104 I thought the setting was intriguing as I do like a bit of Victorian England, but it's kinda just mid. I came across a fair amount of bugs, characters not loading into cutscenes properly, police with spiderman powers, etc.

Overall its kinda just mediocre at best and the platinum wasnt too much of a pain either just a colllectathon as it is with most Ubi games.

I played this on ps5 emulation, and its up there as one of my favourite racing games of all time.

I originally only ever played this as a demo from the PlayStation store on the psp, and coming back to the full game is just fun, I wish they added trophies to the ps5 version though.

Platinum #103 Whoever does the voice of Sherlock is great, I can listen to him talk for hours. I like how we get actual John this time instead of imaginary Jon from the last game.

Platinum #102 This is my Game of the Year. I absolutely love this game, I went through the main story 7 times within the span of a week. This is literally the way you do a remake. 11/10

Platinum #100 Played via ps5 backwards compatability

Its a twin stick shooter with a single stick and... Face buttons? It is sad that the psp never had a second stick but Stardust works pretty well after getting used the controls. I found myself enjoying this more than I expected.

Platinum #99

This game is just mid at best, yeah sure it is very pretty but the rest of it is kinda bland.

I didn't feel like I got much of a challenge out of it even with being on hard if anything it was just long and about halfway through the main campaign I got bored and took a break before coming back a week later to finish it off.

I mean I really enjoyed Zero Dawn but this one kinda just misses the mark.

Please tell me why I'm still playing this game all these years later

I got 100% trophies on this game and let me tell you there are much better ways to spend 50 hours

Platinum 91. The adventures of Sherlock before Watson, I loved exploring the beautifully crafted city of Cordona, The game doesn't hold your hand and expects you to figure most things out on your own with the "Mind Palace" System as featued in many earlier Sherlock Games.

The only game where you can drop a giant chess piece on your head and survive