They changed some things up from the previous chronicles game, some for the better, but a lot for the worse.
The story is presented better, but the shaky cam and confusing destructable environment, are a real let down, same goes for the boss enemies.
I also made a video review, if you want to check it out.

Honestly, this was surprisingly a lot of fun. I don't even like James Bond and barely watched the movies, but this just works as a great COD clone. It's just long and varied enough to entertain through it's entire playthrough, the story and storytelling leave a lot to be desired, though.

If you want to hear more about this game, check out my video review

The beginning was pretty good, but as it progresses it just gets weaker and weaker, unfortunately.
It's a noticeable step down from the Re2 Remake.
Shorter, less fun and less refined with enemies that one hit you and changes for the worse.

If you want to hear me talking more about this one you can check out my video review.

It was okay, but for such an influential game and acclaimed remake I expected much more.

Check out my review if you want to hear more of my thoughts.

This was a blast! Re2 remake is a fantastic survival horror game with enough action and content to keep me interested throughout two playthroughs and the survivor missions.
It's very well made and I would recommend it to every horror fan. If you would like to hear more of my thoughts you can check out my video review.

It has ambition but for everything it does good it does something bad. The combat sucks, the gameplay is repetitive and the world feels to big and lifeless without anything to keep your interest.
If you want to hear more about this game check out my video review

As a Dead Space Fan, who even liked the third one this was highly dissapointing. I also made a video review of this for my Halloween videos, you can check it out here

While the inventory system, the controls and the ending, weren't all that great, I still enjoyed it for the most part. If you'd like to hear more of my thoughts check out my review

I'm playing through a couple of RE games recently and revisited this one. I'm playing offline, but I also checked out the dlc.
While the main campaign is still lackluster it offers enough to keep you kind of interested. The dlc missions are surprisingly though noticeably better.
There are different enemy types which need some tactic and the levels are designed better, there is a better story and the team is more distinct. It still doesn't live up to it's potential though and just could have been better.
The gameplay is also pretty lackluster.

If you want to hear more about it you can check out my video review.

The first mission was pretty bad and messy, but the rest of the game was surprisingly fun, challenging and creative. Surprisingly probably the best Postal game to date. If you would like to hear more of my thoughts you can check out my video review of this game.