Playing this game as a kid in 2009 actually did permanent GOOD damage to my brain and changed the rest of my life in ways I think no other piece of media will ever be able to achieve.

Just like Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime also changed my life. It's impossible to describe how much this game meant to me when I read it and how much I'm still influenced by it over a decade later.

Back in December of 2012, little old me decided he was going to start learning Japanese in preparation for the upcoming Tsukihime remake. I never expected the game to come out a whole 9 years after that but it was incredibly exciting to be able to finally fulfill my goal of playing this game on release.

It's hard to say if Tsukihime remake is better than the original as a whole, considering we only have half of the routes so far, but I think it's pretty easy to say that the remake versions of Arcueid and Ciel's route are a big step up from the originals.

The art and direction are incredible, and while I do have some complaints related to certain changes to the villain lineup, I do think that nostalgia glasses aside pretty much every change made to the story was ultimately for the better.

The peak of the Disgaea series.

More like Overwatch poo <<proceeds to play this at least once every week>>

Definitely one of the best shmups ever made.

Definitely a game that gets worse the more you think about it.

I still think it's a travesty that the prologue takes 4 whole hours.

Better story but massively downgraded gameplay.

Hey this game's a lot of fun.
Controls are certainly pretty jank but I do have a lot of respect for the sole developer of this game and what they managed to achieve.

It's a pretty simple game but it's fun and addicting in short sessions. Always good to come back to it and die a few times.

Pretty fun game with friends but the more recent updates actually kinda suck pretty bad.

This was my first Katamari game and it was a lovely experience.

I don't even like Hololive but this is actually just the best vampire survivors clone by far.