Cute little game. It was actually my first Ace Combat and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Played this one with a NEGCON too which made the experience pretty sweet.

This game seems a little obscure. The developers apparently only ever made 3 games. This game is a lot of fun though; driving and drifting feels really nice, the tracks are cool and varied and the soundtrack is pretty unique.

I think anyone who enjoys racing games should give this one a go, I assure it won't disappoint.

I bought this day 1 but then I started playing FFXIV like a week later and then I never touched this game again.

Easily one of the biggest buyers' remorse I've ever experienced. This would easily be my most hated FF game if 2 didn't exist.

Only time I ever played this game I beat it in one sitting in under 4 hours and never looked back.

Bought this game because a guy I had a crush on liked it, then he stopped talking to me and I never touched the game again.

Played the original release on its launch and I didn't like it.
Played Special Edition with 70+GB of mods in 2023 and I still didn't like it.

Cannot understand what people see in this game.

We didn't deserve this game. It was too beautiful for this world.

Couldn't get into this game back on the PS3.

Couldn't get into it again on the Switch.

Big DMC fan so I wanted to like this since it's also really popular but it's just not for me.

This game has Yuri so it's the best Fire Emblem by default.

This was the only game I ever got on release date as a kid. My dad picked me up from school and went straight to the local Costco to pick it up.

The only good Mortal Kombat game