Great story, great activity, fantastic secret mission, amazing guns, great exotics, what else do you want from the last season of Witch Queen (the dungeon could be a bit harder)

Who would've thought this would still be one of the best video games ever after making it look nicer and accessible to more people.
The artifact hunt is perfectly fine by the way. Don't be a wuss.

One of the most well-realised games I've ever played. The story deals with some stuff you probably won't understand (namely Japanese politics), the combat is very shallow (but perfectly fine) and the puzzles are easy but none of that matters. Just play it and you'll see what I mean.

I played through all of KH in 2023 and let me tell you, it took them a lot of games to finally make one that's better than the first. A few weird bosses (this is gonna be a recurring pattern so don't worry about it) but apart from that it's a fantastic experience.
Highly recommend this even if you don't wanna play through the rest.

This is one of the most solid 5/10s I've ever played in my entire life.
Watch a bit of connected gameplay and you'll immediately know whether you'll like this or not. I think it's pretty aight.

Exoprimal takes a while to get going but once you're past the initial threshold of somewhat monotone repetition (I'd recommend trying different suits during your first few hours a lot) it keeps throwing new stuff at you nonstop. Caught myself thinking "oh right, this is an action game by Capcom" a lot after that. Also we just need more dinosaur games in general.
Hopefully it won't die within the next 2-5 months but I'm not holding my breath for that.