Kinda fun but the graphics are pretty simplistic, it's hard to hear the story dialogue, and the game as a whole feels pretty light and unsubstantial. Got stuck on the last level. Maybe the sequel is better.

Fun campaign, but needed to be a bit longer.

Decently fun racing game with the gimmick that you can blow up the track and knock out other racers. Kind of repetitive though, and the later races get very cheap in terms of difficulty.


Has some good gunplay and nice music but too many obnoxious features drag it down. The screen blurs whenever you reload. Every enemy is a bullet sponge. The reload and weapon switch animations go on too long. It's a game that prioritized style over playability, and the story is one of the most half-assed I've ever seen. I've seen a lot of people refer to this game as a hidden gem, but I think there's a reason why it never had much of an impact.

Just pick Boba Fett and the game is easy.

One of the greatest games ever made while also being a glitchy, broken piece of crap that crashes every 5 seconds. May never be equalled.

I feel like they perfected the formula with this one.

My favorite of the series by far.

The first Twisted Metal game I ever saw.

I believe I got this one for Christmas.

Roadkill was my favorite. Really wish this game had a single battle option.

Got very close to beating this one.

Probably my favorite Halo game.

The first 360 game I ever played.