Super fun and creative!! I know the gameplay might be considered basic to some, but I have way too much fun unlocking customization and playing as these characters to not enjoy the hell out of it.

I appreciate that this game kicked off a series that has really good entries, and I like some of the sprite work, but otherwise this game is way too difficult to get a grasp on and it's aged horrendously.

This is just a big ball of fun to play, and the visuals are absolutely beautiful with an amazing attention to detail. I do think the character selection isn't particularly strong, but there are enough characters I enjoy for me to go back to this time and time again.

I find the game to be very impressive for when it originally came out on the DS, and the track selection is very strong.


I didn't get the controls at first, but once I got a grasp I started to really enjoy this game. The visuals are also stunning and it's such a sight to see. It is a short game, but still a good ride. However, I doubt anyone would play it more than once or twice unless they love deep sea diving in video games that much.

Obviously this wasn't going to be one of the best Kirby games, but it is cute. Admittedly I really didn't like one of the bosses, but the game itself was satisfying to beat. It's got its charms but it's not one to repeatedly go back to since it doesn't have a lot to offer, but for what it's worth it's good.

This game has an unlimited amount of charm and I love it so much. The features added makes it wonderful to go back to and I love all of my villagers and I love how you can give your villagers to friends which is how I got three of my favorites, Fang, Cube, and Stitches.

The story can be slow at times, but otherwise I got so invested into it and the ending is so satisfying. The characters are wonderful, frequently funny, and so well written. I appreciate this one a lot.

It's kinda strange, there are so so many flaws with the game and as a game it's hard to go back to this one as someone who got started on Pokemon when Gen 5 was the current generation. Yet I think it was worth the experience in the end to see how the wonderful franchise got started and advanced to how it became. The primitive quality also makes it easier for it to make your mind rely on your imagination for how you may think of the events, which I believe is a major factor for the success of this game.


There is nothing in this world that gets me more focused than Gen 5 Pokemon I could play this for hours and hours and never get tired of it. So much joy from the beautiful 2D look and the Unova Dex making it so that you have to get creative with your team, which is my favorite way of playing the main series of Pokemon ever. So many lovable human characters and such an engaging story. There's truly nothing like this game.

Somehow they managed to take the greatness of the previous game and improve so much of it. The look of the game is even more beautiful than the first, and the balance between linearity and exploration was wonderfully done. The expansions of the story makes it so engaging so that you could see what happened next with the lovable characters of the previous game while making new friends with the new members of the cast. One of if not my favorite video game of all time.

If someone came up to me and told me that this was their favorite Pokemon game I would 100% understand why. Though it's not my favorite, I enjoy this one a ton with how well-rounded a lot of the story and Pokedex is. I love how there's a lot more spooky moments it has above other Pokemon games without it going too far from the haunted house of the Rotom's home, to Team Galactic's horrible actions being revealed, to Giratina themself. Kinda crazy this game is turning 15 years old this year and how well it holds up today.

I enjoy a ton of things about this game, whether it'd be the beautiful use of color, the Pokedex being full of personality, and Team Aqua/Team Magma's stories combining to come together greatly. It's a good game, though I wouldn't really want to go back to this one all too frequently mainly because I really don't like a lot of the Gym Leader battles for how they go too far with their difficulties/strategies and how I wish some of the water based locations got more creative like if they had more deep sea based Pokemon or making the Dive locations expanded upon. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, it's just one I doubt would ever reach as one of my favorites. It may grow on me more if I were to play it again next year or so, but this is where I stand for now.

The very first Pokemon game I ever played. I got it for my 13th birthday and I'm glad I started with this one. It's one of the Pokemon games with the most amount of content and I can very much see the love put into remaking the Johto games. I deeply appreciate the ability to just have your Pokemon walk with you which gave them more personality. The story isn't all that deep, but I'm okay with it in this game specifically because I'd be more focused on everything else anyway. Makes it easier to come up with your own little stories in your head. Also you can use Furret easily. Furret is a bonus.

The first hack-and-slash I had ever played in my life and I fell in love with this game. The mix of comedy, badassery, and making you think a tiny bit was blended to make a flavor of personality that's unmatched. I also love how whenever I lost, instead of being frustrated, I could learn from my mistakes and become more determined to win. The soundtrack was also a banger all the way through and getting further in the bosses meant you'd hear more of the lyrics was such a creative way to make me more determined to win. I played and beat the entire game in a single session and despite my wrists and hands screaming for the next day, it was one of the best gaming experiences I ever had.