fun 4x fantasy game! city building is nominal, nothing to write home about, but the battles are really fun

very good game similar to harvest moon and even superseded it imo.

very fun mix of roguelike and tower defense mechanics

the gameplay loop is a bit grindy at times but the vibe is PERFECT. i loved exploring and discovering such strange yet beautiful sights

i played one of these i just. don't remember which one lmao

enjoyable sequel to thea the awakening, loved all the new things added

rly good roguelike imo, simple but effective

classic roguelike now on the android so now i can climb the spire while on the shitter

got this on early access and played a lot of it, intense gameplay loop, fun times

there's something ethereal about it that i can't help but want to know more about the world


very fun game, good character design, fun gameplay loop, engaging story. supergiant is such a rockstar dev at this point

a beautiful sensory experience. songs are bops, visuals are stunning, together they are a delight. want more of these kinds of games