Betrayal at Club Low is a short but fun ride into Cosmo D’s brand of games. If you are up for a unique one-shot experience, definitely get this game! It’s energetic, it’s funny, and it’s delightfully strange. Get this game!!

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Y2K may have let me down, but this game has not. If you are looking to relive the nostalgia of late 90’s internet, play this game. If you’re looking for at least a decent investigation game, play this game. If you are looking for something very unique, play this game!! It’s charming, funny, and earnest. I am very fond of it and wholeheartedly recommend it.

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It’s an okay game! Just… nothing to write home about. I’d give this a lukewarm recommendation if you want a game to pass the time with.

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very lovely 4x game, a breath of fresh air at the time. reminded me of fall from heaven 2 back in civ iv

i can play as phoenix wright and defeat fuckin akuma by serving him papers. goty

a beautiful sensory experience. songs are bops, visuals are stunning, together they are a delight. want more of these kinds of games


very fun game, good character design, fun gameplay loop, engaging story. supergiant is such a rockstar dev at this point

there's something ethereal about it that i can't help but want to know more about the world

got this on early access and played a lot of it, intense gameplay loop, fun times

classic roguelike now on the android so now i can climb the spire while on the shitter

rly good roguelike imo, simple but effective

enjoyable sequel to thea the awakening, loved all the new things added