Still play this with my friend time to time and we both enjoy it definitely one of the good platform fighers

Got it to play with a friend just never got back into it since im not a horror person tho i do like the idea of seeing ghosts

Ehh not a fan of the story because its just levels and princess peaches castle is building couldve been a 4 star if they made it so we can build princess peach's castle to our liking

I liked it just i stopped playing it due to Injustice 2 coming out.

Best pirate adventure game out there used to play it almost everyday I just love the big map and the storyline

Its a good game after school to relax too

Best star wars multiplayer game. Me and my friend used to think triple XP Day as a holiday every wednesday so we can upgrade our characters faster

Really love it, just wished there were more variety (for furniture etc) for a building game

Love the game espically with my friends so many funny jokes we made that we still use. I just remember making a nuke shelter and then dropping a nuke... good times right...?

This only gets a 3 star because I only liked half of the game bowsers fury was mid

Made it to the 7th night and beat the first game. Its definitely not the best or worst in its franchise plus not that scary unless its at night lol

Its just a platform figher does there need to be much of a review? The game died after a week.

The game is really only good if its vr but i did finish all the levels and its quite a good game except for raging after that one red guy

Play both java and bedrock I mean do I have to explain much? Basically everyone thats a gamer has played or at least knows what minecraft is