Still think Mario u deluxe is better but wonder is a lot easier and faster to beat

Ok this is a great start to this franchise very good fighting mechanics and story

Played the “demo version” on my Tesla lol and just from that it was quite hard but still fun

best Mario 3d game ever especially with the graphics and the amount of playtime you can put it in. It is a lot of fun totally recommend

Just started playing it but it’s off to a great start definitely has some of the best facial features in cinematics then a lot of other games

Not a fan of the storyline itself mostly got it for multiplayer which I love doing

Played a lot of bit of the beginning and I probably just have to play more to give it a higher rating

I love all mystery games and this was so fun to play and watch just died out to quickly

Just as good as the first if not better

I love this game so so very much it left to soon. Im glad that a lego createor game has replaced it tho, lego fortnite. Still Lego worlds is the best building game out there.

Definitely one of the best in its franchise mostly because theres players from all the way to steve from minecraft to mario. Just a huge catologue

Porbaly the worst in the spider man franchise. BUT that dosent mean its bad since every spider man game is great. just the story was lacking and could get confusing.

Now before anyone says "fortnite kid" you gotta think this is the only game that has peter griffen and goku. I do believe fortnite is gonna turn into more like a game base (the named i called it for games like Roblox) since its not just battle royal its also lego fortnite, soon to be Disney Fortnite, and so on

Personally i dont see a difference between the first and the second overwatch. Though i gotta say overwatch is definitely the best team vs team game (example valorant) mostly because of the variety of characters the game has from a hamster to a robot.

I was forced to play this from a friend and never joy enjoyment out of it 2 stars