the squidward guys are the best part of this game

this game felt like a dream i wouldve had when i was like 8

whoever voiced vendrick fucking slayed btw shout out to that guy in particular

the closest thing to 3d classic sonic we'll ever get probably

and like many sonic games it had a not game breaking but notable amount of weird glitches, but most of the time they were funny and also it seems like they're getting patched out so its fiiiiiiiiine

the real inside story was the friends we vored along the way

charizard dair is too strong 0/10


i played this game through telling my friend what to do over discord does that count

im not really banjo pilled and this is more of a banjo pilled game, if you are banjo pilled tho you'll probably like this a lot better than i did

mario 64 but what if you could just turn off all 3ish major flaws it had

sonic the hedgehog if it was good

bought this game out of spite of pizza tower fans review bombing it on steam (i like pizza tower a lot), it's definitely not my usual kind of game, but i can see the quality in it for sure. The puzzles had me scratching my head but never frustrated me to the point where I felt the need to look anything up, which as someone who doesn't consider themselves very good at video game puzzles, is quite the achievement lmao

this game really makes you feeeeeeeeeel like a melee player (i have carpal tunnel now)