Love this game, everything about this game is perfect, the aspect of this game that makes me think this game is flawless is its the only game that made me forget about the world around me.

Unfinished game, but the parts that are finished are really good.

Nostalgia hits with this one. Classic Playstation banger.

Flawless game. Good soundtrack, gameplay, cutscenes and characters.

Good campaign, but its too short in my opinion.

Gameplay wise very good, as well as other aspects.

Campaing is really good and fun.

Good soundtrack, url races are boring and dull.

One of the best fps games ever made + its star wars :D

Really good gameplay and soundtrack, has some repetitive and boring missions.

One of the better wolfenstein games i played, if not the best. Pretty good gameplay wise for its age.

Game has it's flaws, but pretty good

For me this game is the best game ever made, but i will be brutally honest about how game really is after i replayed it many many times. There are way too many enemies that are just pain in the ass. Not being hard but just being really annoying. for example, i was losing my temper several times when i encountered the fallen, soul eaters and dullahans. When it comes to bosses i think every boss except gigapede is good, f*ck gigapede. Also combat system was really good for its time. Endless fun and so many combo variations. The game isn't really outdated when it comes to its mechanics and how much fun a person can get out of it even after this time. I suggest this game to anyone who is reading this.