kinda of a mix bag, it's start great, good premise, gameplay and locations, but the back tracking near the end of the game DESTROYED IT.
I literally drop the game with 3 demons remaining(great OST btw)

Fun but the brilliance that makes demons souls is long gone(with some exceptions like the smouldering lake) the didn't realized that the strong part of the souls combat was not the offensive maneuvers but the defensive ones, instead of acting like a adventure using both the scenery and equipment to deal with the odds, you just roll and hit roll and hit roll and hit in 70% of the bosses, I give 4 stars because it's still fun, just not inventive fun

Its the 3D representation of a overclocked NES game + a good dynasty warriors game(each enemy in the swarms can kill you if you don't pay attention)

ironically Nero was the worst character to play as, he felt to weak and balanced to newcomers(even tho the weapon burst is kinda trick to handle) while V is unique , Dante is a
swiss army knife and Vergil is the Storm that is approaching

this game introduced me to Ruth white and i am forever thankful for that...but about the game, my only gripe is that the second half felt really rushed like when i reached the city of forms i was like "is that it?? its already the end??" we barely explored leg horse house, and lack of content on the snowy wastelands and the beforementioned city of forms left a bad taste in my mouth